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"God done it" > "Evolution done it"

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

A common caricature of Creationists is that, rather than studying science, we just say "God done it" and leave it at that. This is obviously false. Christians are responsible for the rise of science itself, and we believe that studying the creation glorifies the Creator. But here's the irony: Evolutionists do the very thing they criticise Christians for.

Obviously, they don't say God done it, but they certainly do this with Evolution. Most tragically, a Theistic Evolutionist once said to me that Evolution makes sense, because there are so many questions we don't have answers to. For example, why does the female hyena have a pseudopenis? This man claimed to believe in the Creator God of the Bible, yet the moment he came across a question that, in his mind, has no answer, he preferred "Evolution done it".

Now, in the past, I've highlighted how while "God done it" is insufficient, it is nevertheless true. I have compared it to studying a car. I can attribute everything within a car to a designer. If I wanted to be really lazy, I could just sit in the car, and rather than figuring out how it all fits together and how it works, I could just say "Ford done it" or "Audi done it" or whatever brand name you prefer. But how does that help me understand the car?

A more enquiring mind would acknowledge the existence of the designer, and the work they put into the car, but would still look deeper at it to figure out how it works. This is what makes the wheels turn, this is what sort of fuel the car takes, this is how often I need to replace the tires. You see, then, how acknowledging a designer need not hinder one's curiosity. In fact, refusing to acknowledge the designer may cause problems. Imagine you find a car, you start driving it, and suddenly the "check engine" light comes on. "Meh", you think to yourself. "That's probably nothing. Just a remnant from when the car's ancestors were Christmas lights". When you acknowledge the designer, you know that little blinking light means something, even if you don't know what that is. It's not an accident, it's not a lie, it's not some vestigial remnant of a simpler time, it's a very intentional warning that something is wrong with the car, and it needs your immediate attention.

Similarly, when Evolutionists ignored the designer, they produced a rather long list of "vestigial" organs. Organs which have no actual purpose, they're just Evolutionary leftovers. The famous example, which still pops up today, is the coccyx. It was once claimed that the coccyx serves no function. It is just a reminder that our ancestors once had tails, but they lost their need of them, so they deteriorated. The result was that doctors actually started removing them from their patients. Turns out, the coccyx is rather useful. It's not a vestigial tail, it's a valuable supporting structure. It provides comfort when we sit down, it serves as an anchor point for 9 muscles which help us poo, and it even serves a purpose during childbirth.

"God done it" - "We don't know what the coccyx does yet, let's do some science to find out."

"Evolution done it" - "You don't need your tail anymore. Let's negligently cut it out and watch you suffer for the rest of your life."

Since most people would prefer to see scientific advancements than medical negligence, we see just from the effects that "God done it" is better than "Evolution done it". But one more thing that makes God better than Evolution is that the world just looks designed. Even Richard Dawkins, in his book "The Blind Watchmaker", admitted that biology is the study of things that appear designed for a purpose. I like to point out that God's designs are so awesome, we copy them. It's called "biomimetics".

Now, if I was to tell you that any human technology could evolve on its own, you'd think I was nuts. A book, a car, a helecopter, a television, a cardboard box, a skyscraper, you name it. You recognise that all of these things are designed. Even if you've never seen an object in your entire life, you have the ability to tell almost instantly if there was any level of design behind it. And yet all of our designs are, frankly, pathetic compared to God's. We've got nothing on Him.

The greatest thing is we don't even need to speculate about this. It's not just a case of two people discovering the earth and guessing whether it was designed or not. Rather, the Creationists have the advantage of knowing God Himself. Our views are based on His testimony. God spoke through His prophets, and the word He gave us still holds up to scrutiny to this very day. Origins is a matter of history, not science, and it just so happens that the Creationists possess the most historically accurate book on the planet.

But the Bible doesn't just stop at "in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth". It continues to "in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God". Here we have the opening words of the Gospel of John, one of four men to document the life of Jesus Christ in great detail. Jesus Christ was no mere man. Though fully man, He was also God Himself. The Creator of the heavens and the earth came into the earth to be born of a virgin and live a human life.

One unique thing about Jesus' human life is that He, unlike 100% of the human race, never once sinned against God. But you have. And unfortunately, when the creation rebels against its Creator, there is only one valid punishment: Death. And not just death in the flesh, but in the spirit as well. God destroys both soul and body in Hell.

But He doesn't want to.

So, what's His solution? When Jesus walked the earth, He never sinned, and so never deserved death. But He died anyway. He died as a sinner, on a cross. That death was your death. The death you deserve because of your sin, Jesus died in spite of His righteousness. Therefore, your debt is paid in full. Jesus, having paid your debt to God, rose from the dead on the third day, and if you merely repent of your sin, confess Him as Lord and believe He rose, you will be saved.


All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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