A fact that is particularly inconvenient for anyone who wants to believe life arose by chance is that DNA is a language system. Not just a language system, but the most complex language system in all the universe. And of course, language can only come from a mind, so Intelligent Design is just too obvious.
But that doesn't stop Evolutionists from trying to deny their accountability to their Creator. They point to the similarities in our DNA and claim that, therefore, we must be related to other organisms.
I own a Qur'an. If you compare one of my Bibles to my Qur'an, you will find a number of similarities. For example, one peculiarity about my Qu'ran is that unlike most Qur'ans, which say "Allah", my Qur'an says "God". Jesus also appears in the Qur'an. So does Noah. So does Moses. All of these are key figures in both the Qur'an and the Bible.
Now, is it reasonable to assume that the Bible and the Qur'an are related by a recent common ancestor? Of course not! Their similarities are due to the fact they use the same language, for similar purposes. And they address similar topics, so we'd expect to find more similarities between the Bible and the Qur'an than between the Bible and the Da Vinci Code.
So, back to DNA. Is it not possible that, just like English is used in a lot of books, the genetic code should be seen in a lot of organisms? In fact, since God has no need to be multilingual, why shouldn't we expect just one universal genetic code?
This is the question that converted geneticist Jim Allen when he was asked that very question by his wife. In an article on Creation Ministries International, he is quoted as saying "My immediate reaction was one of annoyance. What is she on about?—absolute nonsense! What does she know about such things? And then I got up in a state of irritation and I stalked out of the house. As I walked, I found myself thinking, and I really believe at that stage God spoke to me. He humbled me. I suddenly found myself thinking, you know, maybe she does have a point. Maybe God did create all forms of life on the basis of a universal genetic code. I mean, why should we expect God to do otherwise?"
And indeed, why should we? To convince Evolutionists? What sense does it make to write an entirely new genetic language for every single organism just so a minority of stubborn, 21st century atheists will have one less excuse to deny His existence? Seriously, how many designers do you know who will say to themselves "hey, if I use this perfectly functioning system in a new creation, people might think I didn't make either of them..."? Look around you. You are literally surrounded by created objects that are similar to other created objects. DVD cases are similar to books. Cans are similar to cups and bottles. Smart phones are similar to tablets and laptops. Beds are similar to sofas. No one goes out of their way to come up with a dissimilar design when the old ones work perfectly fine. God, as the ultimate designer, has no need to re-write the genetic code of every independent organism.