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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Habakkuk rejoiced in God despite trials

In today's verse, Habakkuk sets forth an excellent structure for prayer in a difficult situation. He sets forward his troubles, and yet still brings glory to God. He laments at the terrible state of Israel, and at its bleak future, yet he knows God is on top of it, and nothing can happen outside of His will.

Perhaps you're struggling right now. As I write this article, I know I am. And yet, I know that God is not sitting idly by. What I'm going through now, God has a plan for. It will lead to good. And so, as Habakkuk, I can say "though I am in this difficult situation, yet I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation."

It is my hope that when this article goes live, I will be through the worst of what is happening. If so, great. If not, so be it. Either way, may this post bless whomever it reaches, particularly if you, too, are struggling.

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