Hell is a difficult concept for many people. How could a good God send anyone there? Isn't God cruel for designing such a place for us?
While Heaven was designed for man, Hell wasn't. Hell was actually designed to punish Satan and his angels for their own rebellion against God (Matthew 25:41), but when we take that same path of rebellion (as we all do), God must also punish us. However, we are in a more privileged position than Satan. While God does not love Satan, He does love us, and so He has provided a way out. The Bible tells us repeatedly that God doesn't want a single human being to perish, but would rather we repent and live (Ezekiel 18:23; 33:11; 2 Peter 3:9).
So if Hell wasn't designed for man, and God doesn't want anyone to go there, why will so many people still go there? Unfortunately, that's entirely on us. Just as a person who breaks an Earthly law must face an Earthly punishment, so also must a person who breaks a Heavenly law face a spiritual punishment. Humans go to Hell because they walk right through the gates. We've been given the option to repent, but many of us choose not to.
If you're an unbeliever reading this, ask yourself whether or not repentance is something you're willing to do? Given the choice between submitting to God and going to Hell, which would you choose? If repentance seems like a fair trade, I urge you to do so now. But it's more likely that you'll choose sin. If you do so, you can't blame God for taking the only option you've left open to Him. But again I urge you to reconsider. Though sin seems more fun now, it's far greater to repent. Choose God, and Hell will have no power over you.