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How the Bible DOES say Earth is 6,000 years old.

Writer: Bible BrianBible Brian

The age of the Earth is a needlessly contentious subject in the Church today. It really was a settled topic throughout history. The overwhelming consensus among the Church, even when heretics are factored in, was that the Earth is between 6 and 10 thousand years old. By contrast, Christians didn't really start accepting longer timespans until atheists started doing the same. It should be noted that this didn't happen until Charles Lyell started seeking to "free the science (of geology) from Moses". In other words, old earth views are quite explicitly anti-Christian. They were designed to destroy the Christian faith, at least from a scientific perspective, and so Theistic Evolutionists and OECs are effectively feeding the crocodile and hoping it'll eat them last (it won't).

But let's ignore the history of the origins schism of the modern day, and instead focus on what scripture says. Does the Bible explicitly say the world is 6,000 years old? No. You won't find such a verse. And of course, if you did, you'd have to know when that verse was written to calculate the modern age of the Earth. It ages with us, so if the Bible said the Earth is 6,000 years old, it'd be at least 8,000 today.

But only a dunce uses such flimsy study methods. There are many things the Bible does not explicitly say that it says in other ways. It does not, for example, say "Abraham is older than Jacob". However, as his grandfather, obviously he is. You would look rather stupid if a heresy formed about Abraham being younger than Jacob, and you defended that heresy by saying "well, scripture doesn't tell us Abraham is older than Jacob".

Without getting too deep into the math, scripture actually does tell us enough to figure out the 6,000 year age of the Earth. The human race is only a little less than a week younger than the planet itself, having been created on the 6th day of creation week. From the first man, Adam, we are actually given a rather comprehensive genealogy, including the age each father was when they gave rise to the next son in line. From these, we see that approximately 4,000 years passed from Adam to Jesus, and we know historically that approximately 2,000 years has passed since Jesus. This gives us? Approximately 6,000 years. The only way to say otherwise is to claim, with no evidence or justification, that the genealogies were somehow an allegory. But when you start treating scripture this way, it becomes less of a scripture, and more of a personal notebook.

As Christians, it is vital to just let God speak to us, and allow Him to overrule man made doctrines like the old earth. The heavens and the earth are approximately 6,000 years old. That is the Christian view, just as it has been for 2,000 years, and as it has been the Jewish view for 3,400 years. Compromising this is needless, dangerous, and outright sinful.


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