As I watched Steven Crowder's live coverage of the Supreme Court ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, officially overturning Roe v. Wade, I took particular note of an abortionist in the background behind "Ginger Snap", chanting "rise up for abortion rights". This man echoes the opinions of abortionists the world over. But here is the question: What makes abortion a right?
The problem with the Left is that they neither understand rights, nor want responsibilities. This is apparent when you ask them one simple question: Why should abortion be considered a right? Inevitably, every answer they give will either be based on desire, which is no foundation for a right at all, or would not cover all abortion.
Consider, for example, a "tag page" that once swarmed a Bible Brain Facebook post. "Abortion is acceptable in some cases, such as when a woman is pregnant and does not want to be pregnant". One question for them: Why? How did you reach the conclusion that this is when abortion is acceptable? I know it's acceptable in your eyes, but you've demonstrated your inability to think about your worldview by responding to my coherent pro-life post by repeatedly spamming an assertion of your beliefs. What happens if you do stop to think about why you think it's acceptable?
Even in the very statement, you see what I've already said. It's not about actual rights, but what you want to be your right. But desire is no foundation for a right. We all have different desires, we all have the same rights. We may even have the same desire, but not the same right to act on it. If someone wants your wallet, does that give them the right to mug you for it?
The irony here is that not only can abortionists not explain why abortion should be a right, but also, why life shouldn't. Most abortionists at least give lip service to the idea that everyone is equal (though of course, "all men are created equal" is a bit of a stretch to them). Why, then, should babies not be equally entitled to not be brutally dismembered without mercy as one who has already been born?
My friends, here is how you can make me pro-abortion: Show me why I should be. If you can tell me why I have a moral obligation to support, or at least not speak against, abortion "rights", I will immediately destroy every pro-life article on this site. If you can tell me why I should become pro-abortion, I will.

But here's why you can't: Rights, real rights, come from the very much pro-life God. All men are equal because all men are created equal. Our rights are inalienable because our Creator has endowed us with certain inalienable rights. But included in those rights is life, which happens to be the most fundamental of the rights, because if you're not alive, how can you enjoy any other right?
But God reserves His own rights, up to and including the right to punish the wicked for their wickedness. As His word says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 6:23).
Here's the real irony: Scripture affirms that we are all God's children (Acts 17:28). And because He is pro-life, He is actually quite willing to treat us that way. But while He commands us not to abort our children, justice forces Him to abort us... Unless we repent. See, scripture tells us no murderer has eternal life abiding in him (1 John 3:15), but it also tells us "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
This creates an ultimate irony for those who "rise up for abortion rights". If they continue in this destructive path, in all likelihood, God will ultimately abort them. And an eternity of Hellfire is far more painful than the brutal, yet thankfully finite agony of abortion. But God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. He would much rather we repent and live. So what if an abortionist repents? He lives! If you're a "doctor" who has killed many babies, you can repent, you can repent and be saved. If you're a mother who has slaughtered hew own offspring, you can repent and be saved. If you're a slimy deadbeat who supports abortion because you want to sleep with many woman but not pay child support to many children, you can repent and be saved. Salvation is available to you, right now.
So ironically, how you treat your children may well be the deciding factor in how God treats you. Of course, this is not exact. The criteria for salvation is not abortion. It is, however, Jesus. Those who confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in their hearts God raised Him from the dead, will be saved. Those who do not will be "aborted".