There is a stereotype that Christians are extremely arrogant, bigoted, disrespectful and even hateful. Although this stereotype is rarely fulfilled, it is not entirely unfounded. There really are a tragically large number of Christians who do not respect anyone who differs from them in their beliefs.
A follower of this ministry, named Wayne, once sent me a link to one of his videos on Islam. In it, he shows the exact opposite of the stereotype, instead demonstrating how a Christian should approach the field of apologetics.
I find it especially interesting how, whereas most Christians tend to dive straight into the negatives of Islam, Wayne leaves all of that out. He shows no hatred, he doesn't just rattle off facts, he instead highlights key aspects of Islam that should convince a reasonable Muslim that Christianity is the true faith, and they would be wise to convert.
All of this isn't to say we should just pretend Islam is a totally cool religion, and we should all be cuddle merchants with no regard for the truth. Rather, when we spread the truth, our goal should always be love, specifically the love of Christ. That is, love for Christ, and the love Christ Himself shows for those who have not yet received His salvation. This is the case not just with Muslims, but with all unbelievers. Focus on Christ, point to Him, and do it with the clearest conscience you possibly can.