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Humans are still fish?

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

In one interview with Ray Comfort (1), atheist professor P Z Myers made the claim that human beings are still fish. Now, we can disprove this claim very easily. Whereas less than a cup of water can drown a man, an entire ocean cannot drown a fish. Most fish can't last too long on land either. Thus, the claim that human beings are still fish is obviously outrageous. Why would Myers, who is by no means an idiot, be forced to say this?

The simple answer is because while science affirms that which the Bible states (living things reproduce according to their kinds), Myers believes the very much anti-scientific concept of Evolution. He says human beings are still fish because he believes human beings once were fish. Or rather, he believes we are descended from fish. But fish don't produce humans. Only humans produce humans. Fish produce fish. So what does Myers have to say we are? Fish.

There comes a point when you have to choose whether you want to swallow your pride and convert, or be publicly exposed as delusional. Sadly, Myers chose the latter. Rather than accept that He is lovingly created in the image of God, to whom he will one day give account, his shame now lives on, permanently engraved on the internet, as he declared "human beings are still fish". The worst part? He's not alone. Many Evolutionists (I dare even say most) defend him.

Ultimately, if your religion compels you to say such ludicrous things as "human beings are still fish", you need a new religion. Christianity is far better supported by the facts. In fact, our very own Creator, in whose image we are created, came to our world to live in our likeness. Jesus Christ was born like any other man (except with no earthly father, His mother was a virgin), He suckled at a breast, He ate, drank, and pooped, He worked, He walked among men as a man. Yet, He did many great miracles only God could do, up to and including foretelling, and ultimately fulfilling His own death and resurrection.

But this was more than just a show of His own power. Rather, this is how Jesus planned to forgive us for our many sins, including the sin of rejecting Him as Creator. Those who swallow their pride and confess Jesus as Lord, believing He rose from the dead, will be saved. Human beings are not "still" fish, but still in the image of God.


  1. Comfort, Ray, Evolution vs God (watch here)


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