It's no secret that the Catholic Church is extremely unbiblical. From the veneration of saints to the papacy to the complete perversion of the Gospel by adding works to it, the Catholic Church contradicts the Bible in so many ways, it feels like God Himself could come down from Heaven, and rather than let Him speak to them, they would tell Him what to believe. This, by the way, is no exaggeration. See here for an example of when I personally debated a Catholic who explicitly stated the Bible gets its authority from the Church, rather than vice versa.
Because the Catholic Church so often goes against the Bible, it is very difficult for them to stick to it in a debate. More often, they will appeal to Church history, digging for quotes from people who may have shared a belief similar to them, and especially trying to pass off such quotes as the unanimous opinion of all the early Church.
But there is a second strategy for when this doesn't work. While it is obvious to those who interpret the Bible naturally and objectively that the Catholic Church is unbiblical, the Catholic Church actively opposes reading it naturally and objectiveley. While Catholics are no longer forbidden from owning or reading the Bible in their own language, they are forbidden from interpreting it "contrary to the sense Holy mother Church (...) hath held and doth hold" (Council of Trent). Put simply, the Catholic Church teaches that they are the only organisation capable of correctly understanding the Bible, and that no one else, be they simple or scholar, will be able to do so without error.
In other words, my dear friends, the Catholic Church believes everyone except them is too stupid to know what the Bible says. While the Bible says God's word gives understanding to the simple (Psalm 119:130), while men like William Tyndale died so that "the boy that driveth the plough shall know more of the scriptures than thou" ("thou" being Bishop John Bell), while common sense tells us we should be able to understand the Bible like we understand any other written document, the Catholic Church believes that if you are not submitting to their interpretation of the Bible, it isn't because the Bible actually disagrees with them, it's because there is a magical curse on it that means you need their help to adequately understand what it actually says.
Convenient, right? Every time the Bible disagrees with the Catholic Church, "that's just your interpretation. Our interpretation is right." Well, I can play that game too. Henceforth, I declare myself the ultimate authority over the Catholic Church. Every time they call me a heretic, they are actually telling me they wish I was their Pope. Every time they tell me I am not Christian, they are promising me I am going to Heaven. Every time they tell me Sola Scriptura is a mental illness, they are actually telling me that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. That's right, dear reader, I, and I alone, have the authority to interpret the Catholic Church.
Are you convinced? I would assume not. It's a stupid argument. Of course I don't have the sole authority to interpret the Catholic Church. Certainly not to the point where I can tell you they mean the opposite of what they clearly say. So why should it make any more sense when Catholics do it to scripture in defence of their views? If the Bible says X and the Catholic Church says Y, the Catholic Church cannot say "well, the Bible really means Y". No, if the Bible says X, X is the correct answer, Y is the incorrect answer, and any Catholic who says Y has exposed themselves as a false teacher. Never allow your teachers to judge your Bible. Do as the Bereans did: Use your Bible to judge your teachers. The fact that the Catholic Church actively discourages this practice should raise a million red flags even before you start comparing their doctrines with God's.