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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm telling you the truth

In the modern world, Christians have a nasty reputation for being intolerant. Like all people, Christians express our beliefs, and we usually try to live by them. This is no different from how non-Christians behave. But when we do it, we're supposedly forcing our religion on others.

In reality, the extreme hostility to Christianity doesn't come because we seek to aggressively force our beliefs on others, but because we speak an unpopular truth. When Jesus walked the Earth, He didn't bear a sword. Rather, it was His words that got Him crucified. What makes anyone think modern Christians will be much better off? If, as a Christian, you are lucky enough to avoid persecution, you're either doing something wrong, or Jesus just has a very convenient plan for you.

But regardless of Christ's plan for each individual Christian, His final marching orders to the entire Church were "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you..." Is this an offensive message? Certainly. Especially in our culture of affirmation. Is it intolerant? No. The definition of intolerance is the inability to peacefully coexist, something that Christians are literally commanded to do with all men, so far as it depends on us (Romans 12:18). If Christians can tolerate non-Christians, our God tells us to.

The irony here is that by commanding Christians to not preach, unbelievers are actually the ones being intolerant. When Christians preach the Gospel, we are not forcing you to change, or act contrary to your beliefs. Rather, we are simply telling you why you should. But when you tell us to stop doing that, or when you try to force us to stop, and especially when you try to force us to act as if we agree with you, you are being intolerant. The irony, then, is that bigots cry "tolerance" while being very intolerant towards Christians.

Ultimately, the Gospel is the truth. But you don't have to believe it. It's a gift, which may be rejected entirely of your own free will. There are consequences to rejecting it, but it's not us forcing those upon you, any more than we force lung cancer on a chain smoker. The God you claim not to believe in is the one who will condemn you. But if you don't believe in Him, why should that offend you? And if you're right, you won't even face those consequences. Only if God is actually going to judge your sins will you face any consequences for rejecting the faith, but if that is the case, you shouldn't be offended by those who try to warn you.

And that really is all it is. A warning. An alert. A wake up call. It cannot harm you any more than your smoke alarm. You may find our "beeping" annoying, but that is the worst that will happen to you. Nothing but the irrational hatred of God causes unbelievers to act as if a preaching Christian is a sword-slinging terrorist.



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