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If Evolution is true, why don't we act like it?

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

One great evidence against Evolution is that even those who believe it generally live as if they don't. If Evolution is true, there should be no distinction between man and nature. If we put gorillas in zoos, we should have no issue putting humans in zoos. If enslaving humans is evil, what does that say about enslaving horses, or oxen? Why was Hitler wrong to kill 6 million Jews in his entire reign of terror, yet most of us have no issue with the 136 million chickens being slaughtered every day?

Of course, historically, Evolutionists genuinely did behave as if they believed in Evolution. Not only did they multiply biological arguments for racism, but they acted upon those assumptions. Back then, there were said to be 5 races: white people, and 4 groups of savages. Darwin believed the white men would eventually exterminate the rest. Acting on this disgraceful belief, Evolutionists had no qualms about doing just that. They would go to places like Africa and Australia, kill natives, rob their graves, and send them off as "specimens" for scientific study. Particularly telling was a young man named Ota Benga. As he was off hunting at the time, he survived the slaughter of his village, but he was kidnapped, and placed on display in a zoo like an ape.

Most modern Evolutionists know this is wrong, but they can't explain why. Why is it wrong to rob graves? Why is it wrong to kill people and send them off for scientific study? Why is it wrong to kidnap people and put them in zoos? Answer: Because we are made in the image of God. We have both rights and responsibilities other creatures were never given. If we were just animals, there should be nothing stopping us from acting like it, or treating each other like it, but we are not just animals. And it didn't take too long for Evolutionists to start realising it.

This natural sense of right and wrong was no accident. The Bible tells us that God's laws are written on our hearts. It's like an instinct. An instinct that must be refined by revelation, but an instinct nevertheless. Human beings naturally understand that there is a God, that He has certain requirements for us, and that we have all failed to maintain them. The consequence? What other consequence could there be for rebelling against the Author of life than death?

But this is up for negotiation. There is one who can mediate between us and God. Jesus Christ is both God and man, and thus He can unite us. He walked the Earth, a man free of sin, yet He received in Himself the penalty for sin, being crucified. Because He, though being innocent, died as if He was guilty, we, who are guilty, can be judged as if we were innocent. The only requirement: Faith. If we confess Him as Lord, and believe He rose from the dead, we can likewise be raised with Him.


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