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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

If you admit the Big Bang is impossible, why add God?

One of the saddest things I've ever seen in apologetics is the argument that, since the Big Bang is so impossible, only God could have done it. Theistic Evolutionists and the like could be such excellent apologists if they'd just trust God, but instead, they accept what they readily acknowledge as impossible, and credit it to Him.

In reality, the obvious solution is that, while the Big Bang would need God's input because it is impossible without Him, the fact that it is impossible without Him means we don't even need to pretend it happened!

See, when you acknowledge atheistic creation myths, you're not only saying "there's strong enough evidence to convince me that your impossible origins story is real", but you're also saying "and it's so strong, it's made me disbelieve certain parts of my own book." You may as well credit the Golden Calf with having lead the Israelites out of Egypt. But go ahead, Theistic Evolutionists, try convincing them to add God to their models anyway. Genesis will still be here when you've realised how futile that is.

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