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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Jesus wept.

I understand that the verse divisions are not inspired, but I can't help feeling if God did inspire them, He would absolutely agree with John 11:35. This verse tells us a lot about Jesus. Jesus wept.

As Christians, we believe Jesus perfectly embodied every attribute a man should have. He was literally the perfect man. Yet He didn't conform to a single stereotype of what a man is. He wasn't built like Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson. He didn't have a loose tongue. He wasn't supremely attractive. He certainly didn't have posters in his garage depicting women in clothing only her husband should see her wear. But most importantly, Jesus wept.

There is a tragic stereotype in our culture that a man must be strong, not only physically, but emotionally. Men don't cry, men don't struggle, men don't open up about their feelings, men don't even have deep feelings. But they do. Men have deep feelings, men do struggle, men do need to open up, and if you see a man cry, "man up" is absolutely not the correct response.

Jesus wept. Even knowing Lazarus was going to die, Jesus wept. Even knowing He was on His way to raise Lazarus from the dead, Jesus wept. Even knowing that a thousand years could pass like a day in His sight, Jesus wept. My brothers, if you need to weep, you are in good company, because God Himself will weep with you. And woe betide whoever belittles you for it, because whoever says "real men don't cry" has blasphemed the Christ by whose blood they were purchased! Be free from such cruelty, and weep into the shoulders of the God who absolutely can sympathise with your weaknesses, because He has experienced them first hand. If you must weep, God and His Church will weep with you. God bless you, my brethren, in all of your struggles. In Jesus' name, God bless you, amen.

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