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Laws and the law abiding: Abortion/gun control hypocrisy

Writer: Bible BrianBible Brian

One of the most ironic things about the Radical Left is that in spite of their support of death culture, they're always claiming a monopoly on protecting life. "If it can save just one life...", they love to say, all while supporting the most deadly policies one can imagine. Comparing the gun control and abortion issues is just low hanging fruit at this point. You want to ban guns if it will save just one life, but support abortion on demand?

Ironically, the radical Left still argues life as the basis for their abortion beliefs. If abortion is banned, they say, we will see the return of backstreet abortions, which of course often go wrong and kill the mother, too. So, naturally, we should allow the mass murder of more babies than Hitler and Stalin combined would know what to do with, just to stop these mothers from dying in an alley.

Now, call me cold if you want, but I have little sympathy for someone who dies in the process of committing a murder. You made a bad choice, you reaped bad consequences. Whose fault is that? Not my fault as a pro-lifer. Your fault as someone who is so unbelievably hateful of your own child that you would go out of your way, risking both your life, and (depending on the law) your freedom, just to kill it. I get it, death is sad, even if it is your own fault, but if it is your own fault, I don't feel as bad for you as I would if it wasn't.

But here's the element people often miss. Who does gun control affect? The law abiding. A law abiding citizen, upon seeing the law banning a gun, will not obtain that gun. But you don't need to ban that gun to stop the law abiding from shooting someone. In the U.S. right now, there are more guns than people, owned by roughly a third of the population. If guns were a problem, there would be no more U.S. to enforce gun control in! Criminals, by contrast, don't care enough about the law to not abuse guns. So why would they care if the law forbids them getting one? Even if it became physically impossible to obtain a gun, are guns the only things criminals can use? Weapon control cannot be perfectly enforced in a maximum security prison, so how can we expect it to be enforced across the U.S., never mind the world?

Now, who does an abortion ban affect? Again, the law abiding. Will women still get abortions? Sure, a particularly cruel woman may risk her life, breaking the law, just to murder her own child. And again, that's on her own head. As the saying goes, "if you can't do the time, don't do the crime". But what about law abiding women? The same kind of person who looks at the law and says "the law says I can't get a gun, so I won't get a gun", will say "the law says I can't get an abortion, so I won't get an abortion". Boom, one life saved. "If it can save just one life...", there's your life saved! A child who, if abortion was legal, would be brutally dismembered and callously cast aside (or maybe sold on the black market) gets a chance to live a full, normal human life. And that happens again and again and again.

Sadly, this world is stained by sin. There is no fool proof way to guarantee every human being ever will live full and happy lives. But we can ask how to save the most lives, as well as whether it is just to take those actions. Objectively, the second amendment has saved many more lives than it has taken, and gun control has taken more lives than it has saved. If you are not suicidal, a criminal, or a reckless buffoon who treats a real gun as flippantly as a water pistol, you have a slim chance of joining the roughly 30,000 people a year who die in the U.S. from guns. But if you're a law abiding gun owner, you may be in the low estimate of 1 million defensive uses of firearms per year. The logical conclusion here is that pro-life = pro-gun.

By contrast, abortion has a fatality rate of 100%. Even the rare occasions when abortions fail are cancelled out by the occasions of mothers who die as either a direct or indirect result of abortion. Again in the U.S., that's at least 600,000 deaths per year, on the low end. Yet even while abortion remains legal, pro-life charities often save lives just by providing educational resources and financial help to mothers in crisis. If abortion was outlawed completely? You'll still get the occasional nut job who will perform illegal abortions, and sadly, there will still be a market demand for those nut jobs. The result may well be death for the mothers, too. But they will be a lot more rare, and given the choice, I'd prefer a minority of murderers die from their own recklessness than hundreds of thousands of babies!

Ultimately, the hypocrisy of simultaneously believing in gun control and abortion is low hanging fruit, but when you consider how far that hypocrisy goes, the Left has no case. Here's a question for Christians: How would God look at this? Would He agree with my view here? To answer that, look no further than His own laws imposed upon Israel. Many of these laws were arguably unenforceable by His own enforcers. His laws condemned adultery, but adulterers would obviously still commit adultery. His laws condemned witchcraft, yet witches would just gather in secret. His laws condemned idolatry, yet somehow, idolatry was prevalent enough that Israel would go through cycles of apostasy and revival and apostasy and revival. He gave the law, He expected it to be upheld, He got very angry when the enforcers deviated.

Romans 13 tells us that the government are still His enforcers, designed to punish evil and reward the good. Yes, even "secular" governments (which, let's be honest, just means enforcers of the cultural religion). So, would God want us to outlaw guns? No, He permits self-defence, and fully expects husbands, at the very least, to protect their families. So I believe He would view gun control as an abomination. Would He expect us to outlaw abortion? Absolutely, for there is no demographic He seems more protective of than those who cannot protect themselves. Adults have rights, but with those rights, He levies responsibilities to protect children. That means both physically and spiritually. A child will eventually corrupt itself, but in the weakness of both its mind and its body, it is incapable of sin, and is therefore pure and innocent. Those who murder such precious gifts as children will be held accountable. Those who fail to speak up for the defenceless, likewise, will be held accountable. So, would God want a pro-life, anti-abortion government? I have no doubt in my mind that He would. I am more confident in this stance than even on the gun control issue, God would absolutely demand the government be pro-life. And He expects us to be too.



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