The thing about Christianity is that every level of persecution is an occupational hazard. For most Christians in the civilised West, there really isn't a lot to fear. An insult here, a ridiculous joke there, but we are fortunate enough to live in a country where "he's a Christian" is not a valid legal defence for assault and battery.
However, there are places in the world where you have a lot more to fear for holding fast to the faith. There are some places where the law might be on your side, but the community is not. There are some places where the law is powerless to protect you from a terror attack. There are even some places where holding the Christian faith is literally a capital offence. All across the world, all throughout Church history, Christians have found themselves on the sharp end of a sword.
So what's your excuse, Theistic Evolutionists? In the past, our brethren have been coated in wax and lit on fire. They have been thrown into arenas with fearsome predators. They have been stoned. They have been thrown off cliffs. Our own Messiah was brutally beaten and nailed to a cross! They go through all that in the name of God, but you're afraid of being called a creatard?!? I have a worse name you ought to fear, not because it's horrible, but because it's accurate: Coward.
It is spineless, it is faithless, it is the very height of cowardice when our brethren are thrust through with swords or stand before a firing squad without removing one word from the scriptures, yet some dude with a keyboard can make you blaspheme the very God you claim to serve. Repent, because the Bible says very clearly what happens to the faithless on judgement day (Revelation 21:8). God's wrath is far scarier than a few atheist trolls.