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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Lord willing

Every year, my town hosts a gala in the local park. Numerous charities gather together to provide a fun day out for families, each hoping to raise some funds to help their cause. Before the gala, various signs are put up to advertise it, telling people that it will happen, and when. These signs often have two interesting words on them. "Weather permitting."

Oh really? Weather permitting? You know, it's funny you should say that, because the way things are going right now, I'm not sure weather is people's biggest concern. As I write this, the world is still struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic. As nice as the weather is in my area, there's not much people can really do with it. Everything not considered essential is shut down. Pubs, garden centres, gyms, restaurants, cafes, even barbers. Not because of the weather, but because of a virus.

For this reason, we ought to remember who actually permits things like a gala. The weather isn't conscious, it's under God's control. As is the coronavirus, as a matter of fact. Nothing is outside of His control. Writing silly little things like "weather permitting" is very dishonouring to God. They should actually say "Lord willing". If God wants a thing to happen, it will happen. If God wants to stop a thing from happening, He will. God's plans trump ours. Let us therefore give Him due reverence. Be willing to obey Him, but also rejoice in His sovereignty. After all, His will, while it may often clash with ours, is also better than ours. What He does will always work out for the good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. Even the day of your death, if you are found in Christ, will be good for you. Not even this virus can thwart the Lord.

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