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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Love your neighbor, respect their rights

"It's not about you" is a phrase that can be said by those on both sides of the jab issue. Those who, for whatever reason, reject Covid jabs, correctly argue that it is their choice what sort of chemicals they put in their body. "It's not about you", because what I put in my body is my choice. On the other side, "it's not about you" is used to counter any and all non-medical reasons to reject the jabs. Some Christians consider it necessary to receive a Covid jab out of love for one's neighbor.

But tell me, how is it loving your neighbor to tell them their right to bodily autonomy goes out the window the moment paranoia starts spreading across the globe? On the one hand, you have people who don't want to receive experimental jabs. Who are they hurting? No one. No one is at any risk because someone rejected a jab. In fact, Covid jabs are so uniquely useless that the CDC changed their definition of "vaccine" (1), because unlike a real vaccine, Covid jabs do not produce immunity. If you are fully jabbed (currently defined as the initial 2 doses plus a booster), you can still catch, transmit, suffer, and even die from Covid-19.

I recently heard one account of two people talking in a shop. The customer presumptuously boasted to the cashier "thank goodness we're both fully vaccinated", but the cashier replied "actually, I'm not." "So, I could catch Covid from you?" The customer replied. "Yes, and I could catch it from you", said the cashier. You see, then, the folly of all this. First of all, it's true. An unjabbed person is just as likely to catch Covid from a fully jabbed person. In fact, as the only unjabbed member of my household, I did catch it from a fully jabbed (before the boosters became a thing, Omicron was discovered just before I was discharged from the hospital) person.

But furthermore, it shows the complete absence of faith even the most devout Jabvocate* places in their jabs. If your jabs work, you have absolutely nothing to fear. Do you fear polio? I don't. I've been vaccinated. I could be around a polio patient, I wouldn't be worried, because my vaccine works. If you're so scared of an unjabbed person who, in all likelihood, does not even have Covid, you're admitting your jabs don't work.

Even if all of the above was fake news, the ultimate fact is no one gets hurt because someone else rejects the jab. Rejecting a jab does zero harm to any other person. How, then, is it in any way "loving" to receive a Covid jab? It does nothing for anyone, and rejecting it does nothing to anyone. In other words, whatever someone's reason for rejecting the jabs, be it for medical reasons, or for simply not wanting it, it is quite literally not about you.

On the other hand, threatening people's rights is absolutely not loving. First of all, while no one dies from rejecting a jab, people have died from taking them. And death isn't even the only possible side effect. "But other medicines have side effects too". Great, thanks for admitting there are side effects. Now let me decide if I want to risk them. "Well, Covid has nasty symptoms too". I know, I spent 8 days in the hospital because of it. Here's the difference: I'm not asking a doctor to put Covid in my arm. There is no argument you could possibly make to justify compelling people to risk side effects, and you certainly can't call that "loving your neighbor".

Furthermore, even ignoring the side effects you are demanding people risk, you are also telling them their most valuable, God-given rights can be taken away from them "for the greater good". If this doesn't sound familiar, you need to study history. Telling people they have no right to reject harmful chemicals they have no interest in putting in their bodies is the greatest picture of Fascism.

But aren't individual rights the whole point of this argument? We don't want people getting Covid (and I agree), so you must take the jabs, because even though they don't stop you spreading Covid, it's loving to get one to stop you spreading Covid...

I will never understand how otherwise perfectly reasonable people buy in to this radical, pro-jab narrative, but what I find more disappointing is that Christians, who by all rights should be more sound minded than the world, will instead twist scripture beyond recognition and use Jesus as an excuse to bash those who make different health choices than they do. Yes, Jesus told us to love our neighbor. He even told us to love our enemies (Matthew 5:44). But loving other people requires respecting, and even defending their inalienable rights, including the right to medical freedom, bodily autonomy, and informed consent. Is it ever ok to compel others to accept experimental drugs? We answered that question in 1947: NO!

"If I die from Covid-19 don't beg people to get vaccinated, beg them to get saved."

- Anonymous.

*Jabvocate: An original term referring to those who seek to promote, pressure, or otherwise compel others to receive Covid-19 jabs. This term does not refer to those who merely receive, or believe in, Covid jabs, but only to those who actively seek to at least convince people to receive the jabs against their will.


1. Techno Fog - CDC emails: Our Definition of Vaccine is "Problematic", November 2nd 2021 (link)

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