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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Man: The common denominator in war

It is said by the ignorant that religion is the cause of all, or at least most wars, and therefore the world would be better off without it. There are two major problems with this claim. The first, as anyone educated in history will know, is that the claim is laughably false. While it's true that some wars have been religious in nature, more than 90% of all wars in human history have lacked a religious nature, with some of the most brutal wars actually being motivated by atheism. Atheistic regimes in the last century alone have killed around 95million people.

Second, not all religions are of the same nature. Religion is a blanket term, like the word "animal". When I type the word animal, my iPhone text suggestions suggests three animals: a giraffe, a zebra and a hedgehog. These animals are all very different in nature. Giraffes are tall, but that doesn't mean all animals are tall. Zebras are striped, that doesn't mean all animals have stripes. Hedgehogs are spiky, that doesn't mean all animals are spiky. In the same way, even the 7% of wars caused by Theistic religions cannot reasonably be used to tarnish all religions.

For example, of the 7% of religious wars, 3% of them were caused by Islam, making Islam, in particular, almost as violent as all other Theistic religions combined. This is because the prophet of Islam was a notorious war monger who promised to actively fight a war until everyone in the Arabian Peninsula was a Muslim (Sahih Muslim 4366). Compare this with the words of Jesus in John 18:36 and it becomes questionable as to whether or not there is even any such thing as truly a Christian war.

Comparing Islam and Christianity, therefore, is absurd. It would be a great service to the world to remove war-like religions from the world, but a great disservice to remove the Christian faith. The atheistic claim that religion causes war is lacking normal levels of intelligence. Ironically, it is a mentality that has caused much bloodshed itself. The real solution to war is to embrace the Prince of Peace, not to slander Him.

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