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No, the Bible does NOT say life begins at first breath

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

A recent argument for abortion, or at least one I've only recently come across, is that the Bible itself says that life begins at first breath, not at conception. Therefore, the Bible cannot be used to say abortion is murder.

Now, where is that in the Bible? You can read it once, twice, backwards, or upside down, you will never find a verse that says life begins at first breath. So, where are abortionists getting this from? They're actually getting it from Genesis 2:7, which of course talks about how Adam's life began.

Now, first, Adam was completely unique. Of course he was, he was the first man. There was no womb in which he formed. When he was formed, he effectively began his existence as a dead body. Adam's origins, being completely unique, cannot be used to draw any conclusions about any other person.

Second, how old was Adam when he became living? Less than one day. So, if we want to take this logic to the extreme, we can say that it's still illegitimate to kill a child of any age more than a day.

Third, let us reiterate that while Adam's origins are unique, there are plenty of Bible verses that clearly show a child is alive in their mother's womb. This much should be obvious to anyone with any degree of scientific knowledge. A day before its birth, though it is not breathing, a child is biologically identical to a child a day after its birth. There is literally no discernible difference.

That is why Jacob and Esau were able to struggle against each other in Rebekah's womb (Genesis 25:22). That's why John the Baptist was able to leap for joy in his mother's womb when he heard Mary (Luke 1:44). So, there you go, two examples against one. One in the Old Testament, one in the New. These two examples were actual babies in actual wombs. Neither were breathing, both were clearly alive.

So no, the Bible does not say life does not begin until breath is first breathed. It quite clearly tells us that God is in control of when a child is conceived, and that even in the womb, these children are alive, and their lives are completely off limits to us. Science also confirms the fact of the life of a foetus, and thanks to recent innovations in ultrasound technology, we can now get such clear footage of that life that many pro-abortionists become pro-life in minutes just from seeing it.

This says a lot about those who do not become pro-life having seen it. It's understandable that one might be pro-abortion in ignorance. If you don't know the truth, the culture can feed you many lies, and you'll swallow them without a care in the world. But let's be honest here: No one who argues from Genesis 2:7 has that excuse. You can't plead ignorance here. So what's going on? How black does your heart need to be that you would actively lie to support infanticide? How spiritually dead must you be to twist scripture to support murdering God's precious image bearers? I can tell you this much: This is not the fruit of the Spirit. You need to repent immediately.


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