A key flaw in Evolution is the complete absence of observation. Evolution was never observed, nor indeed could it ever be observed. If it happened, it would have happened in the past. If it continued to happen, it would take so long that no modern observer could actually see it.
This means although Evolutionists claim Evolution is science, the scientific method cannot actually be applied to it. The scientific method involves formulating hypotheses, making predictions, and performing experiments. This cannot be done with Evolution. It cannot be observed.
In one interview, Richard Dawkins famously addressed this problem by saying "Evolution has been observed, it's just that it hasn't been observed while it's happening." He went on to compare it to a murder scene; A detective does not observe a murder happening. He looks at the evidence before him to reconstruct what happened. In the same way, Dawkins argues, we haven't seen Evolution, we have seen its effects.
Of course, this is a self-contradiction right off the bat. You cannot claim Evolution has been observed, only to explain why it hasn't. Either Evolution has been observed, or it hasn't. A detective not observing a murder is just that: A detective not observing a murder.
What's particularly interesting about this "murder scene", however, is that the murderer always changes. Whenever the evidence points to God, it is as if someone bribed the detective to re-direct the investigation, but as long as God is not the murderer, the case is both always, and never settled. Evolutionists keep changing their story.
This, they claim, is actually a strength. It shows they adapt to new evidence. But this, again, works against the claim that Evolution has been "observed, just not while it's happening". If Evolution had been observed at all, it wouldn't change. This is the case with the Bible, which, among many other things, is a collection of fixed narratives about events that were observed while they were happening.
Of course, if you ignore God's infallible witness for a moment, there are also events no one saw. For example, for the first 5 days of history, no human beings existed on the Earth to observe. But things like the Exodus were genuinely observed by a great many witnesses, and written down by some of them.
The New Testament is particularly strong in this regard. As the culmination of God's redemptive plan, the New Testament is filled with eyewitness testimony of the events it records. That includes Jesus' miracles, His death, and His post-resurrection appearances.
The simple fact that Jesus rose from the dead is sufficient to establish His divinity, allowing us to trust even the parts of Scripture that are not based on human witnesses. Therefore, we can trust the Bible when it comes to our origins. But more importantly, we can trust it when it comes to our destiny.
The true account of our origins, as found in God's Holy word, outlines a problem: Sin. Our forefather, Adam, sinned against God, bringing death into creation, and spreading it to all his descendants, as we all sin too. For this, God says we deserve death. Yet He is not willing that one of us should perish. Therefore, He sent Jesus to live as a man, die on the cross, and rise on the third day. This means everyone who confesses Him as Lord, and believes in His resurrection, will be saved. But those who would rather believe we are glorified fish, heading into oblivion, will suffer a fate worse than Evolution.