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Writer's pictureBible Brian

Ok atheists, who built Stone Henge?

Creationists often point out that while Evolutionists look at the world's most amazing machines and claim they gradually evolved from a self-created cell, they would never accept such flawed reasoning with regard to things like cars or other man made machines. In an effort to combat this, Evolutionists point out that we have seen the designers of cars, whereas we've only ever seen plants and animals originate via reproduction.

Now, given that the first of the species obviously wasn't born from pre-existing parents, this obviously doesn't solve the problem. Evolutionists have to come up with a number of convoluted stories to explain the ultimate origins of these creatures, none of which have any corroborating evidence throughout history. No one has ever seen an arm evolve into a wing, a swim bladder evolve into a lung, or even a human with a fully functioning tail. The Creationist belief fits much better with what we observe today: Animals reproducing according to their kinds. Birds produce birds, apes produce apes, humans produce humans, that's how it's always been for as long as the human race has recorded.

But what's worse is they don't even maintain their own logic. As it turns out, there are many obviously designed objects that we just don't understand the origins of just yet. Stone Henge, for example. Objectively, Stone Henge is just an interesting pile of rocks. We didn't see it get built, we don't know why it was built, there are even debates about exactly how the stones ended up in the area. Yet what fool would say "you're just invoking man of the gaps! There's a perfectly natural explanation for Stone Henge!"

Nature is a terrible builder. It didn't build Stone Henge, it doesn't build cars, it doesn't create new forms of life. God, and God alone, possesses the wisdom and ability to create something so complex as the first living, self-replicating cell. If you are not willing to look at Stone Henge and say nature could be responsible, where is the logic to looking at the human body and saying "Evolution done it"?

The logic, of course, is not intellectual, but spiritual. Man rejects Creationism because man is at war with the Creator. We do not want to obey Him, and so we deny Him. Thankfully, though we are without excuse for this, He is able to provide an excuser. See, ultimately, we deserve death for our rebellion, but the God who initially gave us life wants to give us eternal life. Therefore, He sent Jesus as a substitute for us. He received the death we deserve so that we may receive the life He deserves. There is one condition. Jesus requires faith. You must confess Him as Lord, and believe in your heart that He rose from the dead. If you do that, you will be saved. After that, get baptised as a show of good faith towards Him, and be connected with a local body of believers.

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