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Practice did not make God perfect

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

Aside from the fact the Bible quite clearly describes the traditional, 6 day Creationism as the way God created, it should be beyond obvious that Evolution just doesn't fit the kind of God the Bible says we have. Evolution, if it was indeed directed intelligently, would be the picture of the phrase "practice makes perfect". Or rather, "practice makes imperfect", because let's be honest, our world is not exactly Eden right now.

See, the Evolutionary fairy tale claims that we arrived at the present moment through a long, brutal process of endless random mutations, and survival of the fittest. Already, this causes a problem for Christianity, because in the Bible, death is described as an enemy, brought into our world by the sin of Adam. It is not a good thing, nor is it a thing that God would ever consider using to create us.

But more to the point, in Genesis, we see God creating living organisms "according to their kinds", telling them to reproduce "according to their kinds", and ultimately looking out after each day and calling it "good", culminating with the creation of humanity, after which He calls the whole creation "very good". This does not fit well with millions of years of what are effectively major failures. It is claimed that an astonishing 90% of all species that have ever lived on Earth are now extinct.

Now, extinctions do make sense in the Creationist worldview. This is because of an event known as "The Fall". The Fall occurred when Adam (the first man, created from the dirt rather than born of a monkey man) and Eve (created from Adam's side) disobeyed God, causing Him to curse the whole creation with death and decay. Thus, it is 100% consistent with a post-fall world that some of God's originally very good creations would ultimately be destroyed. However, it is 100% inconsistent with the character of God to constantly wipe out failed creations in favour of new and improved ones.

A simple question to ask is "does God have the ability to get it right the first time"? Correct answer: Absolutely. Second question: Is God good enough to do so? Correct answer: Absolutely. Third question: Is God as sick minded as sinful humans, such that He would not only create us via a long and cruel process, but actually call that process "very good"? Correct answer: Absolutely not.

See, we serve a God who takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked. Even if you absolutely deserve to die, God would still prefer you repent and live. Furthermore, in His reasoning for withholding judgement against the wicked, God even cites "much livestock" (Jonah 4:11). Death brings God no pleasure, and you want to tell me that after billions of years of it, He's going to say "yeah, that's very good"?

My brethren, our God is far too powerful to fail, far too loving to endlessly torture without cause, far too just to bring death before sin, and far too holy to lie about all of these things. If you want to believe in Evolution, Theistic or otherwise, you might as well pick up your Bible, drop it in the nearest steel bin, and set it alight, because the God you are representing sounds a lot more like Satan. If that sounds repugnant to you, and you would much rather serve the Lord God of Israel as He is described in the Bible, then repent of Evolution, and study His word as it is written. May God restore His Church, and give us enough faith to believe Him, even in the face of atheistic creation myths.


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