The irony of "tolerance" being used as a weapon to silence Christians in just about any religious or political discussion is that tolerance is an inherently Christian concept.
Contrary to popular opinion, it is actually possible to peacefully disagree. You don't agree with my religion? Why would I hate you for that? I want you to become a Christian because that way, you'll receive forgiveness for your sins and gain an eternal relationship with our Heavenly Father. If you don't, you lose out, not me, and that makes me sad for you, not angry with you. Thus, I can pursue peace with you. You don't agree with my politics? In a way, the same applies. My political views are grounded in the word of God, so if you're a Christian, you should come to very similar conclusions anyway, and any we don't agree on, we can reason those out peacefully too. If you're not a Christian? Well then, of course we're going to disagree. But I can't hate you there for the same reason I can't hate you for not being a Christian.
The truth is, there is no difference a human can have that God would not command us to set aside for sake of peace. Your religion, your political leanings, your ethnic background, your educational level, your gender, your sexual preferences, even your particular history with sin, these are all things God utterly forbids us to fight over. The command of scripture is clear: If possible, so far as it depends on you, pursue peace with all people. If someone is a person, pursue peace with them. If someone isn't a person? Guess what: You can't pursue peace with them, because they don't exist. Peace, tolerance, love. If we are Christians, these are essential for our faith, and our witness thereof.