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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Rest assured, the Lord knows

In the beginning, God made man in His image. What's truly amazing is that as He did so, He had every intention of one day making Himself in ours. Nothing that has ever happened, even The Fall, was outside of God's control. He knew Satan would fall, He knew he would tempt Eve, He knew Eve would tempt Adam, He knew Adam would cave to that temptation.

Every event that has ever happened, God knew, accounted for, and even ordained, right down to the very day He would enter the Earth through Mary's womb. And that is not where His plan stopped. He planned your life too. Nothing you do can surprise Him.

On the one hand, this is rather awful, because it means God knew every sin you have ever committed before you were even born. But the beautiful thing about this is that He has also accounted, and provided, for your victories. Every temptation you face, God knew before you faced it, and He has provided a way out. Do you want to do a good deed? Good news: God has provided many opportunities for that, too. This is excellent news, because it means all we need is to walk in obedience to Him, and everything will work out just fine. Will you prosper? Perhaps, if the Lord wills, but maybe not. Will you have trials? Almost certainly, but the Lord promises us that all things work together for the good for those who love the Lord, and are called according to His purpose. Whatever happens, simply obey God, and rest safe in the knowledge that He knows, and has always known, what He's doing.

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