Atheists are sometimes so hateful in their attitude towards Theism that more than one of them have referred to teaching Creationism as child abuse. But what these atheists don't know (or won't tell you) is that children don't actually need to be taught that the world was designed. This is already a natural instinct in children.
Evidence of this comes from multiple studies. One study done by researchers at Oxford University shows that Japanese children recognise design in nature. This is significant, as Japan is not an especially hospitable culture for Creationism. In Japan, there are two dominant religions: Shinto and, to a lesser extent, Buddhism, neither of which teach God as a creator.
So, the question arises as to exactly why children require brainwashing to get rid of their natural belief in a creator God. Evolutionists, ever the clever bunch, believe they have an answer. This instinct has nothing to do with there actually being a God, but rather, it must have provided a survival advantage to our ancestors.
But this "explanation", aside from being ad hoc, causes more problems than it solves. If our minds are so unreliable that our natural instincts draw us to wrong conclusions, how do we know all our reasoning isn't just the product of our survival instincts? If a Creation scientist can misinterpret evidence because s/he has evolved to do so, why can't an Evolutionist scientist?
The Bible has a better answer. One that doesn't require us to believe logic and reason are not natural functions for which our brains were designed. Romans 1:18-20 tells us that we naturally see the design in the universe because that's exactly what it was designed to do. Creation is designed to tell us, from a very early age, that there is a God, and we were designed to seek Him out and obey Him. This makes more sense. Rather than our brains being so unbelievably unreliable that everything we believe might be a massive lie, and worse, it might actually be beneficial to believe such lies, this explanation reinforces our ability to reason.
Sadly, our natural instinct to recognise design is suppressed by our own sinful desires. Mankind has a tendency to reject God in favour of these desires. But this is not irreversible. We can take the hints God throws at us and get to know Him. This will result in us being given a far greater place in the new creation. When this universe is finally destroyed in the only big bang it's ever experienced, we can be raised to life with Christ in the new Heaven and the new Earth. And all it takes is faith. Now, doesn't that sound more appealing than throwing our brains in the bin in the hope we'll find the fossilised remains of a mythical ape man?