If you don't believe in God, I can understand why you might fall for Evolution. If you believe in a psychotic god, like Allah, I can understand why you might fall for Evolution. If you believe in a god, but don't know what it's like, I can understand why you might fall for Evolution. But if there is one group of people who have no excuse for falling for Evolution, it is the Christians.
First of all, the Bible gives us God's own account of how He created, and it doesn't fit with Evolution. In fact, Evolution was rather obviously, and often explicitly, designed as an alternative, and even a competitor, for Biblical Creation. Thus, it should be as obvious that Christians ought not believe Evolution as it is that the three little pigs shouldn't let that wolf into their house, no matter how much he huffs and puffs. But we can actually afford to ignore this, because we don't even need to know anything about how God created to know that Evolution is not consistent with His character.
See, in Christianity, God is just, God is loving, and God cares even for the animals He created. Death is not a good thing. It is actually described as an enemy (1 Corinthians 15:26), and it was brought into creation not as the method of creation, but as the just penalty for Adam's sin (Romans 5:12). Thus, any scenario that involves death before sin is excluded by the very character of God. Evolution, of course, is one such scenario. Evolution requires millions, even billions of years of senseless violence. Is that really the God the Bible describes? It is not! The God the Bible describes created life to be lived, even for animals. This is a God who delays judgement against evil people for the sake of cattle (Jonah 4:11), who considers it righteous to care for our animals (Proverbs 12:10), who will not let a cheap bird in a marketplace fall to the ground without considering it (Luke 12:6-7), who will restore the unity between predator and prey when He returns (Isaiah 11:6-9).
Sadly, even my own congregation has had speakers who, in the past, have addressed this issue by suggesting that this state of affairs might not be "that bad". One of them described his fascination when he personally witnessed a hawk attacking a little bird he was watching. This, honestly, seems to be the only response I've ever heard. Basically, "I think it's cool, so it can't be as bad as you think it is". However, I must point out the flaw in bringing God's personality down to the level of a sinful human being. You might think it's cool to watch a bird kill another bird. Know who doesn't think it's cool? The bird being killed! You know, the sparrow who, though he is barely worth a copper coin, cannot fall to the ground without your Father's care? Do you think God looks upon this bird's suffering, and thinks to Himself "you know, this is very good"? You may be bloodthirsty enough to say yes, but the Lord is not so heartless.
Evolution is one of the greatest blasphemies mankind has ever invented. For unbelievers, it is a way to explain creation without crediting the Creator. For believers, it is a way to ensure unbelievers see us as the compromising cowards we are, all the while we, ourselves, slander our own God! It is a detestable heresy that should have died with the men who invented it. Let it be swallowed by the Lion of Judah, lest many more people be shredded by His Holy claws for their impenitence.