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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Should we pretend no one built our computers?

One of the sillier arguments Evolutionists put forward is that if we acknowledge the world as being created by God, we will have less motivation to actually study it. Why? Because allegedly, when we come to a question we're struggling to answer, we just default to "God did it".

At this point, we live in a well-developed world. The fact that you are reading this means you are already looking at at least one thing that was made by man. It will likely not be the only thing. You're probably surrounded by man made objects. Look to your right, there's probably a man made object. To your left, man made object. Maybe the ground below you was made by man. If you're inside, look up, the roof was made by man. Your clothes, the device you're reading this on, all made by man. But what fool needs a myth about magic explosions to explain these things? And would such silly myths make us more curious?

Let's put it this way: Science itself was developed not by atheists, but by Christians. Long before Darwin, it was the Christians who posited that God had created an orderly universe, governed by natural laws, and that we, being His image bearers, have been placed in a unique position to search them out, and that doing so would actually benefit us, both helping us to relate to God, and understand the world in which He has placed us. As Nobel Prize winner Sir William Bragg put it, "From religion comes a man’s purpose; from science, his power to achieve it. Sometimes people ask if religion and science are not opposed to one another. They are: in the sense that the thumb and fingers of my hands are opposed to one another. It is an opposition by means of which anything can be grasped."

Thus, we see that the very idea that faith in God somehow hinders science is ludicrous. Christianity never hindered science, it actually helped it. But the irony is, Christianity was never about how the creation works, but about how we relate to our Creator.

The sad part is, we have done a terrible job of the latter. We don't perform the functions for which we were designed, and instead destroy the creation in various ways. We even deny God the credit He deserves, even to the point of instead crediting Him with the horrors we created. Yet, beyond all imagination, He loves us. Therefore, rather than punish us as we deserve, He became a man, lived a perfect life, and died on a cross, bearing our punishment on our behalf. All we have to do now is confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in our hearts God raised Him from the dead. The result will be eternal life, living as new creations when this world is destroyed, and created anew.

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