"In Massachusetts right now, those crisis pregnancy centers that are there to fool people who are looking for pregnancy termination help outnumber true abortion clinics by 3 to 1. We need to shut them down here in Massachusetts, and we need to shut them down all around the country. You should not be able to torture a pregnant person like that." - Senator Elizabeth Warren
We can ignore the claim that crisis pregnancy centers "torture" women, since frankly, you need all your screws loose in order to believe it. Warren's comments in this interview are exemplary of the current Left wing platform since the overturning of Roe V. Wade back in June. To be clear, they were obnoxious before. Any campaign against abortion was seen as a campaign against human rights. Nevertheless, because the Supreme Court had made abortion restrictions very difficult to put in place, abortionists had a shield they could hide behind. Rather than coming up with a compelling case for why abortion should be legal, they instead hid behind "abortion is still legal, die mad about it".
But since the overturn of Roe v. Wade, they have lost that shield. Abortion is now an issue that can be decided democratically (and the overturn of Roe v. Wade proves it actually always was), and so abortionists now have a real fight on their hands for the first time in decades.
As shown by Warren's example, their main concern now is pro-life "deception". But there's a problem: Pro-lifers aren't especially known for deception. Rather, it is abortionists (and leftists in general) who spread their ideology through deceit.
A particularly good example of this is their narrative up until and during the overturn of Roe v. Wade. If you asked your average abortionist what they thought of the overturn, they wouldn't be able to tell you what, exactly, that would mean. In their mind, Roe v. Wade made abortion legal, whereas removing it would almost immediately result in an abortion ban. The irony is, the riots that followed the overturn mostly took place in Leftist cities, where abortion restrictions remain positively medieval, worse even than here in the UK, or elsewhere in Europe.
The sad reality is, the overturn of Roe v. Wade did not go far enough. It's a step in the right direction, yes, but it doesn't actually put any restrictions on abortion. All it did was return the issue to the states. Left wing cesspools like New York are still free to slaughter as many children as they see fit. But if Texas wants to say it's illegal to abort after a heartbeat is detected, they are no longer prevented from doing so.
It's clear why the narrative was pushed. Abortionists typically believe abortion, rather than being an issue of life and death, is actually an issue of reproductive liberty. Claiming the overturn of Roe v. Wade would result in an abortion bans is all but guaranteed to stir up emotions in abortionists. Thus, deceiving them into thinking their reproductive rights are under threat is a good way to stir them into action. But actually, this in itself is due to deception they have already fallen victim to.
See, the abortion narrative has always been that this is about choice. The very name "pro-choice", which I utterly refuse to grant them, is deceptive enough in itself, for two reasons. First, because it was never about choice. If it was really about choice, first of all, Warren and her ilk wouldn't want to shut down crisis pregnancy centers. Otherwise, rather than shutting them down for having the audacity to outnumber murder mills 3 to 1, they would prefer to increase the number of murder mills. They cannot pretend to be in favor of choice if they want to make it significantly harder to not have an abortion.
Furthermore, and I believe this is the main reason crisis pregnancy centers are being so aggressively attacked, rather than being an issue of choice, this is actually an issue of life and death. What abortionists are campaigning for is the right to choose to end your own child's life. This likely would not be such a controversial issue if abortionists knew the truth about what exactly goes on inside a pregnant woman's womb.
How do I know that? Simple: These crisis pregnancy centers usually offer free ultrasound scans, which, more often than not, persuade mothers to choose life. As soon as they see their babies, they realise they have a living human being growing inside of them. This can hardly be considered "deception". It's effectively showing a livestream of the child. As the saying goes, "believe your lying eyes".
This is an abomination to abortionists, not because it's deceptive, but because it exposes their deception. For decades, they have been lying to the public, telling them babies are not yet living beings, that they're just a "clump of cells" that can't even feel pain, so it's repugnant to them that places exist which so freely expose that lie using nothing but medical science and technology.
But the sad fact is, even though many people do become pro-life when abortion deception is exposed, the deceit continues precisely because truth is not, in and of itself, an antidote to abortion. The root of the problem goes deeper still, right to the very heart of man. That problem is sin.
All men sin differently, but nevertheless, all men sin. That is, each and every one of us think, say, and do things that God considers evil. The irony is, He gave and sustains our lives, yet because of sin, we deserve death. One could say the penalty for sin is God aborts us. But there is good news: God is very much pro-life. Therefore, even sins as grievous as abortion can be forgiven.
See, the penalty for sin is death, but there is some wiggle room for whose death. On the one hand, the sinner themselves can die. But God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but wants everyone to be saved. Therefore, He sent Jesus, His only Son, to live as a man, receive the full wrath of God on the cross, die, and rise again. This opens the door of salvation. If we confess our sins, scripture says God is faithful and just to forgive us, and cleanse us of all unrighteousness. Those who confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in our hearts God raised Him from the dead, will be saved. No sin is too grievous for God to cover for those who believe. It is my hope and prayer that one day, Elizabeth Warren will let go of the hate that fills her heart, and come to know the love of Christ. May the same blessing rain down on all who read this article, whether you're already a Christian, or are nose deep in abortion deception.