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Sufficiently advanced technology

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

It is correctly claimed that sufficiently advanced technology would appear as magic to the ignorant. The very device upon which you are reading this post was not available 2,000 years ago, and so may appear magic to a first century person. Taking this logic to its extreme, several sceptics claim that no miracle has ever happened, but rather, extreme natural events may have appeared miraculous to the ancients, who attributed these things to God.

Now, this explanation might have held up if we were actually talking about natural phenomena. We now know exactly what causes thunderstorms, to the extent that we are able to predict, with reasonable accuracy, where and when they will occur. We are also able to create technology that can minimise the damage caused by such storms, and even possibly utilise them for our benefit. Yet, perhaps a primitive mind might interpret a storm as God's wrath, where in reality it is just nature doing what nature does best, i.e. destruction (which rather erodes the idea that life began naturally).

But what about the constant string of things which defy natural explanations? Especially things which can be directly attributed to a prophet, or an Apostle, or the Christ? Moses didn't just see a thunderstorm and say "I guess Pharaoh made God angry". No, he walked right up to Pharaoh and offered him an ultimatum: Let my people go, or Egypt will suffer a strange plague. 10 times, this happened. Things which defy natural explanations struck Egypt in exactly the way Moses warned. In the modern day, we are fairly good at predicting regular weather phenomena, yet even then we often fail. It rains when the weather man promised us sun. I've often stayed inside to avoid a storm that never came. Are we expected to believe Moses, who accurately foretold 10 unusual events, just happened to be a better meteorologist than our modern experts? Or that this same Moses, being so intelligent as to have greater than modern scientific knowledge, was also gullible enough to attribute the natural to the supernatural?

And what doctor can cure the blind, deaf, lame, and dead? If we could replicate Jesus' healings, our hospitals would be redundant. You want free healthcare? No problem! Just give your doctor a call, and he will be able to heal you by commanding you to be well from miles away! But that's not what happens, is it? If you get sick, your doctor will have to prescribe some form of medication. If you were born blind, spitting in the mud and pressing it into your eyes isn't going to solve that problem. If you die, you're dead. No matter how short a time you spend in your tomb, a doctor can't just shout "come out", and expect you to walk out as if you'd just had a pleasant sleep. But Jesus did all of this!

Dismissing Jesus' miracles requires one of a few possibilities:

1. The entire historical record surrounding Jesus is fake.

2. Jesus, a primitive carpenter, was better educated and equipped than all the world's hospitals combined.

3. Jesus was helped by Satan (genuine Jewish explanation from His time).

4. Aliens helped Jesus.

You'd think I'm joking about that last one, but no. Some people genuinely believe that Jesus was either helped by aliens, or that He actually was an alien. But the fact is, the most reasonable explanation for the historical fact of Christ's miracles is that they are, in fact, miracles. Jesus proved His claims to be the divine Son of God by performing many great miracles, up to and including His own resurrection.

And that last one really matters. You can dismiss the water being turned into wine as just a magic trick. Walking on water, and helping Peter do likewise, could possibly be faked with modern technology. No one goes to Hell for denying Jesus raised a little girl. But the resurrection of Jesus Christ is both a historical fact, and the criteria for who receives the grace of God, and who remains in their sins forever.

Every single one of us has rebelled against God, our Creator. For this, we all deserve His eternal wrath. However, this is not His desire. He loves us to the extent that He is willing to forgive us. But no just judge can just let a crime go out of compassion alone. When a law is broken, justice must be done. And so God has provided a stand in. When Jesus died, He was not dying His own death, but yours. By confessing Him as Lord, and believing God raised Him from the dead, we can receive the reward He earned, rather than the punishment we earned. Don't wait, because there will never be any technology that can protect you from God's justice.


All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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