Whether we admit it or not, each and every one of us has an idol. There's always something that comes between us and God.
For me, personally, there was a time when I would spend hours on a specific game, whereas my Bible lay quietly in its place gathering dust. The game was effectively my other god. It should be the other way around. God should come first. The game should be insignificant. So I made a rule: I was not allowed to switch on my laptop until I had completed my daily reading plan. I still apply similar rules to this day. The result was a major boost in productivity, and more importantly an improved relationship with God.
This is a strategy I recommend. Think of a thing that often comes before God in your life, then think of ways you can sideline it in His favour. You could even search for ways to glorify God with the thing you used to replace Him with. Do whatever it takes to ensure anything in your life ceases to become another god, and instead becomes one more thing to improve your relationship with Him.