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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The cosmic humility of the Lord Jesus Christ

No science course is complete without one of those thrilling animations, beginning with Earth, that gradually zooms out to the moon, then outward to our solar system, then out to our galaxy, on and on until we finally see that as far as the universe is concerned, we are insignificant. The cells in our body are more significant to us than our planet, even our sun, are to the universe as a whole. We're tiny, we're inconsequential, we're nothing.

There is no more sobering a thought than this: that not only is God so big that He even has to humble Himself just to see us, but that He actually did. What are we to God? According to Isaiah, we are like grasshoppers in His sight (Isaiah 40:22). And yet, for some unthinkable reason, He treats this tiny little speck of dust like it is the most significant thing in all of reality.

Does God often visit Mars? Does He wave to us from Venus? Did He put a ring on Saturn as a man does to his bride? His very word upholds these things, but His footprints cannot be found there. They declare His glory by their existence, but you're not likely to find a word of scripture upon them.

But where should God send His Son but to the Earth? He set aside His glory to live among us! Why? We dishonour Him on a regular basis. We spit on His face like we own the heavens, when in truth we have yet to subdue even the Earth. If tomorrow our sun blew up, the universe would not miss us, and yet Jesus thought we were worth dying for! Such a sobering thought. This is the God we serve.

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