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The Evolutionary what now?

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

In the header image, you will see a screenshot of a watch next suggestion at the end of a YouTube video I was watching at the time. Note the important word in the title. The Evolutionary history of Whales - Cetacean Evolution Part 1. To the casual observer, and evidently even to the creator, this title doesn't raise any red flags, but when you stop to think about it, that one little word makes all the difference.

See, most Evolutionists are under the impression that Evolution is a scientific concept. When you point out that it's not so much a fact about science as it is a myth about history, they get rather upset, but as you can see, every once in a while, they'll accidentally slip up.

The difference between science and history is tense. Science mainly deals with the present. Gravity didn't just happen hundreds of years ago, it is still with us today. You can drop a ball today, just like you could yesterday, and will be able to do again tomorrow. Better yet, anyone, regardless of their presuppositions, can see this. If you meet someone who doesn't believe in gravity, you can demonstrate gravity to them by doing several experiments, after which point their continued disbelief becomes irrational.

Evolution, by contrast, cannot make the same claim. Evolution allegedly happened in the past, but it cannot be tested here in the present, and would take too long for us to test in the future. To illustrate this, let us write six very simple sentences:

Friction produced heat.

Friction produces heat.

Friction will produce heat.

Whales evolved from land mammals.

Whales evolve from land mammals.

Whales will evolve from land mammals.

Notice how friction, which is a scientific fact, fits all three tenses, but Evolution only works with one tense. If whales evolved from land mammals, it happened in the past. In the present, we do not see land mammals evolving into whales, we see whales giving birth to baby whales, and land mammals giving birth to their own kinds as well. Furthermore, it is silly to claim whales will evolve from land mammals, because aside from the fact present evidence suggests otherwise, we already have whales, and thus have no need to speculate about where they might come from in the future.

So already Evolution is off to a bad start. Real science is about the present, but fits nicely into all three tenses, whereas Evolution only fits nicely into one tense: Past. Because it is an event that allegedly happened in the past, it is not, in fact, repeatable. What that means is that, unlike actual scientific theories, like friction or gravity, Evolution cannot be experimented on, it cannot produce consistent and reliable results, and it cannot be demonstrated beyond reasonable doubt, neither to an unbeliever, or even to a believer.

This leaves Evolutionists with a major problem. Because Evolution itself cannot be tested, Evolutionists are forced to make inferences based on things that can be tested. That is, things which exist in the present, and thus can be tested in the present. Without diving too deep into whale Evolution, this very rarely goes well for them. In fact, the alleged Evolution of whales is one of the most notoriously messy stories in the Evolutionary narrative. For starters, Evolutionists cannot agree upon which land creature whales initially evolved from, but on top of this, the history of "transitional forms" from this alleged ancestor of whales is incredibly shaky.

Take, for example, "Pakicetus", whose name means Pakistan Whale. It will forever bear this embarrassing (to Evolutionists) name, because originally, only a few tiny fragments of its skull were found, from which numerous imaginative drawings were produced, giving the impression that it dove into the water and swam after fish. But then more complete fossils of Pakicetus were found, and we now know that it was very well designed for life on dry land. It was a runner, with only its feet touching the ground. Hardly an ideal candidate for the ancestry of whales.

Evolutionists are known for making rather large claims based on rather small evidence like that. Most laughable was Nebraska Man, an alleged human ancestor. Not only was he drawn, but so was his family, and even his environment. What was all of this based on? A single tooth that eventually turned out to be from a pig. Pakicetus and Nebraska Man are just two examples of how wild Evolutionary imaginations can be, based on minimal evidence. More to the point, it shows the difference between Evolution and science. Evolution is not an inference based on evidence, but a very wild inference, with very little supporting evidence.

So we see how Evolutionists would prefer their religion be viewed as science rather than history, and we also see why. But Creationists are far less fearful of admitting our view goes beyond science. The isn't just because our view is stronger, but because this is actually why it is stronger. Much like Evolutionists, we can present scientific evidence. We can show how present observations support our view of the past, and explain why our explanation is better, but more importantly, we're not playing guessing games, or living in denial. Our narratives aren't anywhere near as ad hoc. See, while a lot of history does require speculation, a lot of it is preserved in the form of surviving documents. Written testimony is an excellent source of historical knowledge, and no testimony is greater than the Bible.

This is because it is the testimony of the Creator Himself. God was actually there when He created the heavens and the earth, making Him uniquely qualified to tell us what happened, even setting His omniscience aside. No one has ever seen Evolution happen, but everything in the Bible has been observed by at least the divine Author. Even if we set Him aside for a moment, most of what remains is eyewitness testimony. Obviously, the Creation account is an exception. Moses wasn't there when God created the heavens and the Earth. But he was there during the Exodus, and the 40 years of travel through the wilderness. And in the Gospels, we have at least two eyewitness accounts (Matthew and John), as well as the close follower of yet another eyewitness (Mark, close follower of Peter), and a well-constructed account based on contemporary investigation by a well respected historian and doctor (Luke). The history of the Bible, even ignoring the divine element, is strong enough to establish the divine element. The Bible even reliably told the future, which to us is past, allowing us to verify these predictions, and they were shockingly accurate. Some prophecies are even so accurate, more Liberal scholars have attempted to revise the authorship dates of the books they appear in, placing them after the date of the event they describe (because, you know, when the evidence doesn't fit secular narratives, it's the evidence at fault, not the narrative). A book that reliably told the future as if it was past, as well as reliably recording the verifiable past, can probably give us a good idea of the less verifiable past.

Thus, the difference between Creation and Evolution isn't that one is based on faith, and one is based on science, but that while both narratives fit into the same historical and scientific categories, Creationism dominates Evolution in those fields. Unfortunately, there is one area in which Evolution is dominant: The hearts of sinful men.

See, Creationism is about more than just that, and how, God created the heavens and the earth. It talks about how we relate to Him. Specifically, it tells us how Adam, our forefather, rebelled against Him, and the consequences that brought to him, and to us as his offspring. Like Adam, we also continue to rebel against God, which includes, but is not limited to, spreading some very disgraceful stories, like Evolution, to oppose Him. As a result, we deserve His eternal wrath. Yet, in His love, He is not willing that we receive it. Instead, God sent Jesus to live as a man, and die on a cross, bearing the full punishment for our sins. On the third day, He rose again. Because of this, everyone who repents, confesses Jesus as Lord, and believes He rose from the dead will be forgiven for their sins, and receive eternal life.


All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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