Freedom of speech is a hot topic in our culture right now. Should all speech be protected, or should some be prohibited by law? Most people would agree that active calls to violence are out of the question, but what about "hate speech"? Unfortunately, “hate speech” has recently become almost synonymous with “Christian speech”. Some regions have even criminalised using biologically accurate pronouns.
The Bible gives a different approach. Rather than angry insults, censorship, and violence, the Bible teaches us to give reason for our hope (1 Peter 3:15), to destroy arguments (2 Corinthians 10:5) and ultimately to peacefully abandon those who won’t listen (Matthew 10:14).
While the human heart is deceptive and hard, the human mind is a little more rational. This inner conflict between a convincing truth and a desirable lie is what fuels outer conflict between those who speak the truth and those who prefer the lie. A rational person has nothing to fear from hearing conflicting information, knowing full well that he will either discover truth, or become better equipped to defend it. A liar, by contrast, knows that hearing truth will increase his inner conflict, making the comfortable lie less comfortable.
The best way to determine how truthful a man is, therefore, is to see how he handles conflicting information. If he has a will to hear from those with whom he disagrees, the chances are high that he is honest. If he seeks to silence anyone who speaks against his view, he fears that he is unable to defend it.
Carl Wieland of Creation Ministries International is a solid example of this. While most Evolutionists fear the spread of Creationist information, Wieland began as an Evolutionist who opposed Creation with his arguments. The result was that he heard things he had not previously known or considered. Today, he is the CEO of what is arguably the most powerful Creation apologetics ministry currently in the world.
If you are not convinced that the Bible is true, I invite you to test it. Don’t ignore or censor evidence. Open your mind, being ready to hear opposing views. If you are a Christian, I give you this advice: study non-Christian views, equipping yourself to give the Gospel to those who have yet to hear it.