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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The Lord is never late, nor early

A wizard is never late, nor is he early, he arrives precisely when he means to.” - Peter Jackson, The Lord of the Rings: The Art of The Return of the King

Now that I've thrown a bit of a nod to my LOTR friends (you guys know who you are ;) ), I can say that God beat Peter Jackson to the idea of arriving precisely when he means to by 2,700 years.

God's timing is always perfect. It often seems slow to us, but it will arrive when it needs to. The Lord revealed as much to Habakkuk, when He says "Though it tarries, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry." (emphasis added). How can it tarry, yet not tarry? Because the Lord is never late, nor is He early. He arrives precisely when He means to. If He acted any faster, or any slower, He would not achieve the desired result, but by waiting longer than we think He ought, He gets it done. Thus, just as the Lord said to Habakkuk, wait for Him. Then praise Him, knowing full well He'll arrive at exactly the right time.

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