When we think of powerful kings, humility isn't exactly their strong suit. They typically amass wealth, hang out with the most prestigious members of society, insist on the highest quality of everything, are surrounded by guards, and so much more. But when Jesus came to earth, He didn't make a big deal out of it. He could have chosen anywhere to be born, but He chose a humble maidservant, and due to various circumstances, He was born in a stable. His first bed? A manger.
Despite being the most powerful king the world could possibly know, Jesus didn't make a fuss about His birth. He was born at the bottom of society. Born in a stable, in a tiny city, raised in Nazereth as a carpenter's son, Jesus was so unbelievably humble. This is the God we serve. Not an arrogant snob, though given who He is He would certainly have the right to look down on us, but rather a humble master who at one point even subjected Himself to the authority of a species that isn't even worthy to clean His sandals (Luke 3:16). There is just no way to describe how perfect He is.