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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The realism in pessimism

I often like to joke about how easy it is to be a pessimist. As a pessimist, I am either 100% correct, or pleasantly surprised. As it turns out, with Christianity, this is a very realistic philosophy.

The Bible is replete with preparation for trials, tribulations and persecutions. When you live out the Christian faith, you ought not expect to live comfortably. It is possible. As the Lord says through Solomon, there is a time for war, and a time for peace. However, it is almost inevitable that as a Christian, and especially as a faithful Christian, you will catch Satan's attention. And just as he begged God for the right to test Job, he will certainly set his sights on you. Be warned: In His great wisdom, God might say yes.

And that's a good thing. It certainly won't feel like it at the time. You may even be tempted to give in. "Why, God? Why did I have to endure this trial? I am naked, I am hungry, I am sick, I am lonely. Why did this happen?" Rejoice. My dear brethren, rejoice, for your God is not far from you in your trial. If He, in His infinite wisdom, has allowed you to suffer, it is either because He has counted you worthy to do so, or because He wants to shape you so that you will be. And so again I say rejoice! Your reward will be great, and your soul will be refined, through these trials.

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