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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

The wicked are you without Christ

For the Christian, humility is a must. We must treat all people as equals, because all people are equals. Those who are more mature than we are were once as immature as we are. Those who are less mature than us are now where we once were. Is this a thing you deny? Was there a time when you were without sin? Say this, and you make God a liar. And woe betide you if you say you are without sin even now, because a sinner you are, and if you say you have no sin, you deceive yourself, and the truth is not in you.

Because of this, we ought to speak to all men peaceably, showing all humility. Speak no evil of men, for this would be hypocrisy. Were you not also where even the worst of sinners is? Did you save yourself? No! We were not saved by works of righteousness, but according to His mercy He saved us! So who are you to look down on your fellow men? Should Christ have looked down on you? He is the one man with the right to do so. From the day He opened Mary's womb until the day He ascended to Heaven, He did not commit one lawless act upon the Earth. Not one rebellious deed, not one corrupt word, not even a Godless thought, Jesus did not sin even once, and yet, He looked upon you and decided to intercede with God on your behalf. Jesus' blood was spilled on your behalf. Filthy sinner, unworthy of even knowing His name, yet He calls you by your name, and writes it in the Book of Life, assuring your entry into a Kingdom built by His own hands.

So look at that sinner you've been judging. That person who is so depraved, you almost hope they go to Hell. You've been bashing them with words so harsh, they ought never leave the mouth of a Christian. But my brethren, that person is you without Christ. Had He not come to you when He did, you would do many of the same things, and much more besides. Look at them as a mirror, and curse them no more. You are their brother in Adam, you are their servant in Christ. Submit yourself to God, and no matter how much you may detest them, swallow your pride and love them, because your Father in Heaven does.

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