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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

There's no such thing as luck

As a Christian, I don't believe in chance. If everything in this world is maintained by God, and is under His control, chance simply cannot exist. Everything happens for a reason. Literally everything.

Of course, there are some incredibly stupid ways to utilise this fact. For example, tossing a coin when making a major life decision, or especially when deciding whether or not to sin. In all cases, God desires us to be wise, and obedient to His commands. You can't just pray and expect God to reveal His answer with a dice.

But what this does mean is that even the accidents in your life are meaningful. Everything that was left to chance and went a certain way was designed to lead you to where God wanted you to go. Seek God's Kingdom, study and apply God's word, and even something as simple as dust blowing in the wind could be used for His glory.

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