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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

They fake more than they find...

This article was originally written for Question Evolution Day 2020.

Despite boasting of "mountains of evidence", Evolutionists habitually fail to present so much as a mole hill. Understandably, this can be quite distressing for those who are committed to the idea that we are more ape than Adam, but I hope you'll agree that forgery isn't the answer. To a logical person, the answer to a poor worldview is to get a better worldview. However, Evolutionists, especially those closer to Darwin's time, tended to favor the dishonest approach.

Although there are countless examples I could cite, I've decided to be lazy and cite the most famous Evolutionary hoax. Piltdown man was presented to the world in 1915 as an early ancestor of man. It was even given the Latin name "Eoanthropus dawsoni", meaning Dawson’s Dawn Man". For nearly 40 years, this abomination was presented to the public as "evidence" of man's descent from apes. That all came to an end in 1953, when Piltdown man was finally examined properly.

The result was embarrassing, leaving a nasty stain on science. For 40 years, Evolutionists had been boasting about a human skull with an orangutan jaw attached to it. The teeth had been filed down to look more human, and the specimen had been stained, and even painted, to appear older. We're not just talking about a forgery here, we're talking about an obvious forgery. One which shouldn't have taken 40 days, much less 40 years, to expose.

The problem with supposed evidence for Evolution is that, though it is not all fake, it is all blown out of proportion. Fakes and mistakes are presented to the public before sufficient research has been done. When that research has been done, it often shows that the initial media hype was overstated, and may even have been completely wrong. Unfortunately, by this time, the damage has been done. The general public sees only one side of the story: The side that sells headlines.

This is why we should always fall on the side of scepticism when it comes to Evolution. Aside from being a silly story in and of itself, it is propagated not through reasonable arguments, but by the same method it originally gained popularity: Deception and media hype.

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