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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Things that don't need millions of years to form after all

There are many things Evolutionists used to claim (or still claim) take millions of years to form. By their reckoning, diamonds, opals, oil, fossils, stalagmites, stalactites and canyons all require extremely long periods of time to form. Yet, every single one of these things is now known to take a significantly shorter time.

Diamonds and opals are now able to be created commercially. Fossils are formed within a few months to a few years under a waterfall in Knaresborough. The basement of the Lincoln memorial contains stalagmites and stalactites. Turkey corpses have been used to make oil. The Burlingame Canyon (depicted) was formed in just six days! (And for you Theistic Evolutionists, I mean 6 literal, 24 hour days).

With all of this evidence, you'd think Evolutionists would humble themselves and admit that they were maybe a little off in their estimations. Unfortunately, hard hearted humans prefer to come up with fanciful fairy tales rather than accept their accountability to their Creator.

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