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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Twix up our sleeves

Many years ago, Twix put out a TV commercial describing a fictional narrative about the founders of Twix. It describes a comical divide between the founders, in which they argueso much, they end up building their own "competing" factories. Look at this transcript from the British version:

The factories took very different approaches. Left Twix lavished caramel on biscuit while right Twix topped biscuit with caramel. Left Twix then covered it in chocolate while right Twix smothered it in chocolate. Both bars as different as the people who invented them. And to this day, they share nothing but a wrapper and an ill-designed driveway.

The joke is that we are being asked to choose between two identical sides of a candy bar. Though described as radically different, all that’s really happening is the same thing is done to create both sides.

Now I want you to imagine two churches. They both preach exactly the same message. Their statements of faith look like one of them plagiarised the other. The only difference between the two churches is their name and the side of the road they’re on. Would these two churches be considered different denominations? Realistically, they shouldn’t. Yet the Bible urges us to be as different as right Twix and left Twix.

As humans, it's all too easy to focus on our differences, to the extent where, sadly, many of us consider each other unsaved. This, of course, does not mean there are no genuine heresies, some of which genuinely do preclude Christianity. But we often bicker over trivial things, such as which Bible translation to use, or on which days we gather.

In the end, the Bible commands unity, and so unity is what we should seek. And the Bible also tells us it is quite sufficient to allow us to do that (2 Timothy 3:16-17). This means we should all agree on the same doctrines, and most importantly the same Gospel. If we can't do that, the Bible says we are being carnal (1 Corinthians 3:1-4). We are no wiser than left and right Twix. But if we can, we will please our Lord.

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