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Umbridge vs. Voldemort: Who is more evil?

In April 2018, YouTuber Seamus Gorman uploaded a video comparing Voldemort and Umbridge from the Harry Potter series. This video puts forward an interesting moral question: Who is more evil? Seamus' main argument seems to be that Voldemort is "more evil" than Umbridge because Voldemort killed many people, whereas Umbridge's deeds seem a lot less evil. Basically, Seamus argues that Voldemort's deeds are objectively more damaging, therefore Voldemort is more evil.

But what if we take Umbridge out of the picture and compare Voldemort with Voldemort? If Voldemort merely tried to do all the same things, but failed, would he be less evil? Biblically speaking, I would say no. Voldemort's heart would remain the same whether he succeeded or failed in carrying out his evil desires.

A common theme in the Bible is that the thought of sin is equal to sin itself. In Matthew 5:27-28, for example, Jesus explains that merely looking at a woman with lust is the same as committing adultery. Similarly, 1 John 3:15 compares hatred with actual murder. In Christianity, it really is the thought that counts.

So, when we throw Umbridge back into the picture, is Voldemort really the clear winner? I would say no, because although he successfully carried out more of his evil desires, Umbridge has very similar desires.

But here's the really bad news. Not only is Umbridge not less evil than Voldemort, neither are you. Having given you two major examples in this article, examine yourself. Have you ever committed adultery or murder in your heart? Consider that lying is also a sin (e.g. Proverbs 19:5), so if you say no, that's one more thing for your rap sheet. Furthermore, James tells us that if we should keep the entire law, but fail just once, we're guilty of all, because the same God who forbids murder also forbids adultery, the very two sins we have just discovered begin in the heart!

See how much you need Jesus yet? Good. Because that is the very reason the law was given! (Romans 3:19-20). We're not supposed to compare ourselves to each other. I'm not supposed to look at another person and say "at least I'm not as bad as that guy". I'm supposed to read the law, look at myself and realise how utterly wretched I am (Luke 18:9-14).

Seamus Gorman compared Voldemort to Umbridge and found Voldemort to be the bigger villain. We compared Voldemort to the Bible and found that ultimately, we're all villains. Whether greater or lesser, every single human being on this Earth stands condemned before God. Thankfully, that isn't where God left the full stop. Rather than declaring "you're all evil, I will condemn", God showed His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). As fictional characters, neither Umbridge nor Voldemort need to worry about this. But you do. Are you right with God? If not, His arms are open.

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