The chicken and egg dilemma is as old as philosophy itself. You need a chicken to lay an egg, but you need an egg to hatch a chicken. Which came first?
In Christianity, the answer is very simple. God created chickens with the ability to lay eggs, producing subsequent generations of chickens. But Evolutionists, of course, have a different story. The question itself is flawed, because chickens are not the only animals that come from eggs.
In the Evolutionist story, the jury's still out on exactly where birds came from. The popular theory seems to be that birds are descended from dinosaurs, which also laid eggs, and therefore the egg came first. Regardless of whether or not they agree with this story, all Evolutionists ultimately agree that eggs evolved before chickens.
But far from solving the dilemma, it merely shifts it to another organism. Evolutionists are still forced with the unfortunate problem of explaining the existence of eggs independently of a creature that laid that egg. Where did the first egg laying creature come from if not from an egg?
This is not a small question. Once again, for a Creationist, this is simple. God wanted chickens to reproduce, so He designed the intricate system required for them to do so. The same with most snakes (adders are an exception), lizards, ostriches, monotremes (because God really didn't want to make life easy for Evolutionists), and of course, dinosaurs.
But for the Evolutionist, the answer is not so easy. The distance between egg laying and all other forms of reproduction are rather large. Thus, changing the system would be supremely difficult. Furthermore, this is a change that would have to occur in one go. If you wreck your reproductive system for even one generation, you're going extinct, and Evolution stops right there.
So, as you can see, whereas Creationism provides a functioning explanation for the existence of chickens, Evolutionists only shift the dilemma to another kind of organism, and fail to solve it there instead. But it gets still worse for Evolutionists. There is a significantly bigger problem that comes from DNA and RNA.
Without DNA and RNA, there can be no life. This is because they contain the information (information being the result of a mind in every known case) for proteins, which are required for life. But the production of DNA and RNA requires these proteins to already exist. You need DNA and RNA to make proteins, but you need proteins to make DNA and RNA, which means DNA, RNA and proteins were needed to exist at the same time, in the beginning, in order for life to exist. Again, God makes sense of all this. God created all three at the same time with the intention that they serve the very purpose they serve today.
Evolution? Not so much. Evolution is the equivalent of putting the instructions for building a CD player on a CD and expecting that your customer will be able to listen to them. The chicken and egg dilemma is one of many things that show Evolution just does not work.
But again, Creationism does. Not only does Creationism solve the chicken and egg dilemma, it also explains where human beings came from. More importantly, it tells us how we relate to the God who created us. The answer to that is that we were created in His image, but we all sin against Him. The required punishment: Death. But God hatched a plan (pun intended) to save all who love Him. He sent His Son, Jesus, to live as a man, die on a cross, and rise again. Through faith in the death, resurrection and Lordship of Jesus Christ, we can be reconciled to God and receive an eternal inheritance in His Kingdom. Don't be a chicken; come to Him in faith.