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Writer's pictureBible Brian

Why do Evolutionists expect God to reinvent the wheel?

Common descent is neither the only, nor the best explanation for homology. Using the same, or similar design for the same, or similar purposes is a very common design strategy. There is no need, for example, to reinvent the wheel every time a new vehicle is designed. Sometimes, even completely different designers use similar designs. There are, for example, several different car manufacturers around the world, yet there are plenty of similarities between a Ford Transit van and a VW Taureg.

Evolutionists actually admit this concept when they talk about “convergent Evolution”. Convergent Evolution is when similar features “evolve” separately on two different creatures that Evolutionists don’t claim share a common ancestor. For example, dolphins and ichthyosaurs are very similar creatures, but Evolutionists admit that their similarities do not prove a direct Evolutionary link. Rather, they admit that the design works well, so it makes sense for them to have the similarities.

But if anything, it makes our case stronger, because while Evolution still cannot overcome the problem of irreducible complexity, intelligent design, especially that by the God of the Bible, easily explains why common features exist. It would make no sense to reinvent the wheel for every new vehicle. So why should God reinvent anything when He already has a functioning design? The Creationist currently has the strongest case. It is therefore down to the Evolutionist to explain why it is impossible for God to create things in the way He has.

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