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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Why should God sign your eternal paycheque?

Imagine two rival companies. Perhaps two competing restaurants, such as McDonald's and Burger King. Now imagine a Burger King employee walks into McDonalds and asks about his paycheque. Can it be expected that McDonalds will pay this employee? Of course not! No matter how excellent a worker this employee is, he has no affiliation with McDonald's, and thus McDonald's owes him nothing.

If you do not believe in God, and yet you expect Him to give you anything in this life or the next, you are the equivalent of a rival company's employee asking Him to pay you. God owes you nothing, neither will He ever owe you anything. In fact, everything you could possibly obtain and give to Him ultimately already belonged to Him anyway. Given that God created the entire universe, He literally owns everything, and thus even if you give Him everything you have, all you have really done is stirred a money pot. You didn't put anything in there that wasn't already in there.

The result is that the only real way to receive anything from God is to obtain it in the way He has offered it. You cannot buy your way into Heaven with good works, but you can get into Heaven by placing your faith in the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Without that faith, God owes you nothing, but with that faith, He has promised you eternal life. Will you take this gift?

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