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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

Why trust the self-proclaimed greatest of decievers?

A key difference between the God of the Bible and the Allah of the Qur'an is the ability of both to lie. The Bible declares that God, unlike man, cannot lie. It's impossible for Him to do so. But in Islam, Allah is a greater deceiver than Satan himself. He is such a brilliant deceiver that according to Qur'an 4:157, Jesus was never actually crucified, but rather it was "made to appear to them". Muslims have a range of theories on this, from swoon theory (Jesus didn't die, but passed out) to the idea that one of Jesus' apostles volunteered to look like Jesus while the real Jesus was taken to Heaven.

Regardless of how Muslims think Allah deceived people into believing in the death and resurrection of Jesus, this leaves a glaring problem for Islam. When a person is known to be a deceiver, your trust for them should decline dramatically. But when that deceiver is supposed to be omnipotent, you shouldn't even be able to trust what stands before your eyes. If Allah really is the greatest of deceivers, everything in his book could be deceptive. Everything in his world could be deceptive. You can't trust Muhammad, you can't trust the Bible, you can't even trust that I exist. I could just be an Allah induced hallucination. You're willing to stake not just your life, but your eternal destiny on this god?

As a Christian, I believe in a perfect and Holy God, immovable in His ways and unsearchable in His wisdom. He cannot lie, and has designed the world in such a way that truth is attainable for those who search for it. Deception certainly exists, because sin exists. Satan, his angels and even human beings are capable of spinning intricate webs of lies so tight, only God Himself can break them forever. But I don't need to worry about God telling me something that isn't true. I don't need to be concerned that He might have tricked me into believing a false religion. If you want to trust someone who admits he lies, follow Allah the devil god, but Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life.

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