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Writer's pictureBible Brian

Yes, the Bible is scientifically inaccurate. So is NASA.

A common objection to Christianity is that the Bible and science are somehow in conflict. It is alleged that the Bible is flooded with scientific errors, and that it is therefore clearly just a book of primitive superstition. Yet, 9 times out of 10, the alleged "error" being pointed out is no error at all, but an inaccuracy.

There is a difference. See, the Bible is not designed to be a science book. It's not supposed to explain how our physical universe operates, or teach us about medicine, or present the blueprints for highly complex super computers. Rather, the point of the scriptures is to help us relate to God. It is an ethical, doctrinal, relational book, not a mathematical or scientific one. It does occasionally cross into other topics, but those topics boost the main purpose, rather than being the purpose in and of themselves.

Because scientific accuracy is not the purpose of scripture, scientific inaccuracy is appropriate. Indeed, we do the same thing in our daily communication. We have phrases like "sunrise" and "sunset", even though the reality is our planet is orbiting the sun, and the sun merely appears to us to move, because our particular part of the planet is now directed so that the sun is visible to us. Likewise, we say "moonlight", or "moonlit", even though the moon's light is actually just the sun's light reflected off the moon, and thus anything moonlit is still technically sunlit.

We see, then, that these inaccuracies are entirely appropriate. In fact, even more academic institutions use them. Take, for example, this random extract from NASA: "The International Space Station orbits 354 kilometers (220 miles) above the Earth, completing one trip around the globe every 92 minutes. Cruising along at 27,700 km (17,200 miles) per hour, the astronauts experience 15 or 16 sunrises and sets every day." (1) To really drive this point home, consider the warning at the top of the page from which this was taken: "This page contains archived content and is no longer being updated. At the time of publication, it represented the best available science." (Emphasis mine).

So, sunrise and sunset were "the best available science" in 2010? Of course not! Even when presenting the best available science, it is perfectly acceptable to simplify communication with trivial inaccuracies. So, why do atheists not apply this logic with, for example, Joshua 10:12-13, which of course is not in any way concerned with astronomy? Yes, it says the sun stood still, but the point of the account is not to accurately describe the sun's relation to the earth.

9 out of 10 alleged scientific errors in the Bible are actually that kind of inaccuracy. The Bible is often charged with inaccuracy when it is not trying to be accurate. But what about the 10th? Sometimes, the Bible describes things that are clearly intended to be true statements. Yet, unbelievers still take issue with them. In these cases, it is actually the anti-Christian "science" that is in error.

The obvious example would be Evolution. There is no denying that the Bible and Evolution are in conflict. The Bible presents a world that was created roughly 6,000 years ago, and suffered a global flood as a result of God's wrath against extreme rebellion. By contrast, Evolution denies the global flood (well, on earth, at least, but apparently Mars is fair game...), claims that the earth is millions of years old, and adds that all life is descended from a single living cell that was created by natural (yet mysterious) means.

If Evolution was true, the Bible would indeed be in error. But the truth is, Evolution is the error. It isn't a little inaccuracy designed to simplify communication without detracting from the greater message, but rather, it is a complete insult to both science and history. Evolution is one of the least sensible, and most anti-scientific religions mankind has ever invented. Charging the Bible with scientific error because it conflicts with Evolution is like charging NASA with error because it conflicts with geocentrism.

We see, then, that there are no real scientific errors in the Bible. There are inaccuracies, but these inaccuracies merely simplify communication to avoid detracting from the real message. That is, the same God who created the sun also created us in His image. Unfortunately, we rebelled against Him, meriting His eternal wrath. Yet, in His love, He instead sent His Son, Jesus, to live a sinless life as a man, and die on our behalf. All who confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in our hearts He rose from the dead, will receive eternal life in Heaven after our life on this earth is over.


1. Sunrise to Sunset aboard the Space Station (link)



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