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You don't have to outrun the lion, you just have to trip your friend

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

Two identical scenarios for you. Bill and Ben encounter a lion in the wild.

Scenario 1: Bill sacrifices himself to the lion, allowing Ben to escape.

Scenario 2: Bill and Ben both try to escape, but Ben trips Bill. The lion kills Bill, but Ben escapes.

Both of these scenarios have the identical outcome: Bill dies, Ben lives. However, in only one of those scenarios is the survivor alive because of a trait he possesses. Ben's selfishness is what helped him survive, whereas Bill's selflessness is what killed him in the first scenario.

Whenever you bring up the moral argument, Evolutionists attempt to come up with some bogus story about how morality evolved. But let's face it; selfless love, which is pretty much universally considered morally upright, is terrible for Evolution, whereas selfishness, and in this case even murder, would be a dominant trait. If Evolution was true, the only moral law that could ever truly survive is "survival of the fittest".

But of course, morality isn't a biological trait. Selfless love survives not because it is a moral value that helps our kind survive, but because it is right. It is factually, and objectively right to love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself. It's not just a matter of personal taste. It's not a matter of "I don't have a choice because blind chemistry is controlling me". It's not a matter of the law requiring a certain behavior. Society? Nope. Family values? Nope. Love is an objective moral value, because the same God who wrote the laws of gravity also wrote the laws by which man must live.

But we're not quite as obedient as gravity, are we? See, God gave us a thing He didn't give to the wind or the waves. God gave us free will. We can truly love because we have the capacity not to. But unfortunately, we tend towards not doing so. We abuse our free will, and so we do disobey God. We disobey Him so much that we invent whole new religions, like Evolution, just so we can be "free" from His moral guidance. The solution? Death.

But whose death? Normally, it would be the death of the sinner. But there is a "loophole". If a worthy sacrifice is willing to take the wrath of God on behalf of the condemned, He may. And He did. 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ came to earth as a man, lived a perfect, sinless life, and died on a cross. On that cross, God punished Jesus instead of you. Your debt is paid. Of course, there is a requirement for receiving that: Faith.

But God didn't make that a difficult thing to have. See, the thing you need to have faith in is the thing that proves the claim. Jesus didn't stay dead. In a way that only the Creator could possibly do, Jesus got up, folded His grave clothes and walked right out of his tomb. If you confess Jesus as Lord, and believe in the resurrection, the benefits of the cross are yours.

Love is a trait our God possesses, and indeed is His dominant trait. It is also a trait He designed us, as His image bearers, to imitate. This could not be true in Evolution, but since Darwin remains in his grave, whereas Jesus walked out of His, I think it's safe to say Jesus wins.


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