From time to time, we all experience doubts about our salvation. No matter how strong our faith, no matter how "good" we are, we all know that our faith is not perfect, and even the best of us are not truly good. So can we sin so much we actually lose salvation? Is there a point when God just says "alright, I tried, but you're too sinful, you're not coming to Heaven"? Is it possible, as one of my friends once put it, to not believe enough?
My brethren, I can promise you, you will never see Hell. Obviously, I cannot say this to you individually. God alone knows your heart, and even faith can be outwardly faked. But in your hearts, do you know God? Do you believe in the name of the Son of God? Brethren, if indeed you are brethren, you will enter the Kingdom.
If you need a text for that, go to 1 John 5:13. Here, John tells us the reason he wrote this epistle. "That you may know that you have eternal life". Do you believe in the name of the Son of God? Then continue to do so! You believe, you continue to believe, you're saved. Why? Because it was never you who saved yourself. We're not going to Heaven because we're good enough, and we're definitely not going to Heaven because we were just barely not bad enough. We are going to Heaven because as bad as we are, Jesus was perfect. If you think you're too bad of a sinner, you're underestimating how great of a saviour our Lord is.
Therefore rejoice. Your name is written in the Book of Life. You didn't have a pen, but the Lord etched it in with a quill dipped in His own blood. You were saved by grace, not by your works. Faith is the criteria, not perfection. You don't have to be Jesus to go to Heaven, just follow Him in.
Those doubts will probably still continue. You will feel guilty, because you are guilty. You won't feel like you deserve Heaven because you don't. Know what God says to that? "It is finished." You'll see when you get there.