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Writer's pictureBible Brian

Your plan Z is God's plan A

I'm going to make a profound statement: Everything always goes according to plan. Because we are finite, and frankly rather feeble creatures, things don't always go according to our plan, but we're not the only beings in the universe capable of making plans.

From the beginning of time, God has always known the end of time. Not only has He known the future, He has orchestrated history from the moment He said "let there be light", right up until the day the universe folds like a scroll and melts in the fervent heat. Every prophecy He ever gave, He didn't just leave it to chance, He actually made these things happen.

This should encourage us when our plans fail. Didn't get that job you wanted? Got turned down by that pretty girl? Failed that vital exam in school or college? Perhaps you have even been run out of your home town. That is a reality the early Church had to deal with that all the time. If they didn't flee, they were often killed. But what happened every time is a greater purpose was achieved: The Gospel spread even further than it otherwise would have. You are a Christian today because someone else, way back in history, exhausted their plan Z.

I don't know why you come to this ministry. Perhaps you're looking for the Prosperity Gospel. Or maybe just to be told God has a plan for your life, with the qualifier that it's a plan you'll love. Truth? I can't promise that. Like I said, the early Church suffered such great persecution that many of them didn't even survive. Many today are still losing their lives for Christ. But this much I can promise: God cares for you both on an individual level, and for the Church as a collective. When things don't go according to your plan, they are certainly going according to His. Whether you end up at the bottom of the pile, or on top of the world, you are a part of God's great plan, and the part you play, as long as you play it for Him, will be remembered for eternity, and rewarded in the Kingdom.

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